Session 20

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"Sorry! Didn't mean to poke so hard. That is one ugly bruise though."

Maya carefully repositions the ice pack on Phoenix's temple. When she had arrived at the apartment, she'd made a big show about asking if he still remembered her. He hadn't seemed amused by it. He's a little less surly now that she convinced Gumshoe to track down an ice pack and some ibuprofen though. Not a lot though. She wishes he would take some time off, it can't be healthy to just carry on like this when you've been attacked in your own office and suffered a head injury.

Phoenix seems to have his own way of coping with things though. She's now used to seeing him in the office first thing in the morning when she gets there, and waving goodbye in the evenings. He's partially taken over Mia's desk with leftover takeout containers, and Charley is wilting a bit because Phoenix never opens the blinds anymore. He seems to be doing good work though, keeping busy. Once in a while she even sees him attempting to read her sister's law books, before inevitably curling up on the sofa with a splitting headache a bit later.

"I can't believe you pulled that off," Gumshoe tells Phoenix, who is wincing at the sound of the neighbors apparently having a small EDM concert on the other side of his thin walls. "Can't say I'm not grateful, though. Maggey's a really good... I mean, not that I know her super well. But I'm glad you got her acquitted. Really. Well, it would have made the department look bad for sure if..."

"Ooohh looks like the Detective's got a crush!" Larry says, saving Gumshoe the trouble and pounding on the wall nearest the ruckus for him.

"Maggey seems great," Phoenix says, settling in with his collection of suitable d20s, "I'm glad I was able to help her out. Despite not knowing what the hell was going on."

"Maybe she should join us," Maya suggests. "We seem to all the in the 'falsely accused of murder club.'"

"Heh," Phoenix cracks a welcome grin at her. "Well, everyone except Detective Gumshoe."

Maya just barely catches Gumshoe's nervous glance around the room before he responds. "Ah hah! Right! Not yet anyway!"

Suspicious. She wishes that they hadn't banned the use of Magatama at the table.

Suzette the Bold is tired of the dark winding caves they've been wandering through for weeks. They aren't lost, exactly, but it doesn't stop her from feeling jumpy. "Have you heard much about the Underdark, Sir Drayce? I only hear horror stories. But things have been going smoothly so far."

"You forgot about the giant spiders already? Or does that sort of thing not phase you? I suppose they weren't much of a challenge for us after all! Who knows what else we might run across, though?"

She shivers a bit "I agree. It is dark as night down here, though the torches we have help. And your glowing magic stuff, of course. I don't know...I just feel like something terrible is about to happen."

Sly Isaac isn't phased much by their concerned whispering. He's only concerned with sticking to the plan. He runs it through in his mind once more. Find the Temple of Dark Resolutions. There, they will find an altar on a dias. On the dias is the Orb of Whispers. Give it to that creepy old lady in exchange for some sort of info that should lead them to a man called Brother Pious. Brother Pious cures little Nella. Everyone lives happily ever after.

It probably won't be that simple. But it's a good enough kind of plan.

Sir Drayce is looking a bit worse for wear, red and black bruises smattered along his blue skin. He keeps close to Isaac but as they turn a corner he catches a whiff of something awful and gags. "I think we have something dead and rotten up ahead." He turns to Suzettte. "You're probably right about this being just a bit too easy." He wearily raises his holy symbol as it glows. "May the goddess of justice offer us her blessing in the trials ahead!"

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