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Five years later...

Today was the day I'm free. It shouldn't have been five years ago. Multiple accounts were against the penalty, more so than the fingers on my hand. I was almost sentenced to death for the crimes I committed. The less gruesome option would have been staying locked up for my entire life. That was the second-worst route I could've undertaken. 

Sarv had always been by my side, sticking close to me and forcing herself to think that everything would be alright. Now that I look at her, I had thought at the time 'Was this the best I could do?'. Something along those lines. 

I was rightfully caged in a special cell where my strength wasn't able to bend the cell's barriers. After visiting the prison, the guards immediately apprehended me. My features were well-known in their identification system and they had thought I was up to something underhanded. They didn't know what to do with me. I was awaiting my judgment.

Sarv went ballistic, daring to kill whoever handled me wrongly but I stopped her, telling her to move back and that I'll find a way to meet her again. She was so close to becoming a full-fledged demon, I'd almost feared she'd color the walls red with the blood of the security personnel at the front lobby. We shared a gaze full of longing. Every experience I made with her burst like pictures in my head as I walked through a myriad of cages with lunatics wanting nothing more than for me to be like them.

And there I was in a matter of time, sitting inside a cell that was hardwired with multiple layers of lasers and high-tech traps hidden on the floor near the entrance. Sarv was right in front of me but we were separated by the adamantine glass. We were so close but it had been my decision to remain at a distance. 

'This is really for the best' I offered her a smile but I doubt I could make one knowing I wouldn't see her for a long time unless she dropped by.

'You will see me again' she said through the glass. 

Even if I die, I'll try reincarnating again to meet her.

For the lives I'd taken, it would seem that retribution wasn't even close to ending things peacefully.

I had received word from the members of the telecommunications in the Connections sector that the families I'd traumatized in the past were paying me a visit. They entered my cell one by one, with numerous guards in tow. If I were the old Ruv, this instance would never happen in a million lifetimes.

Some wanted to beat me up out of heartache, some privately talked to me of why I'd terrorized their lives when they did nothing to me. One day, a kid with a mother asked me if her sister was a bad person that she needed to go to heaven quickly. 

The mother slapped me and bawled on the floor for half an hour. A lot of tears were shed inside this cell and all I could do was simply kneel down before the victims I'd hurt and beg for forgiveness. 

While I knew I had the power to destroy, I couldn't do the opposite. It would be stupid of me to say that the things I did were a mistake. I would have to move forward and accept that there are things that I cannot rewind. 

What was going on through the minds of my victims as I silently brought them to the afterlife? If only I could hear them now. Before being locked up, Sarv had told me to confess in front of the church. I wasn't exactly religious but I didn't want to back down from my wounds. I needed to address them, even with small impressions of her deity.

'Confess and you shall be cleansed.' 

I did just that under a calm ray of light. 

'Come what may.'

 In a lucky turn of events, I was ordered to be imprisoned for five years.

Under the trade-off that I'd be a personal bodyguard for a strange client, which was how I shockingly won the trial. Someone had been keen on defending my case. I knew I was beyond salvation. Everyone wanted me gone until a mysterious man offered me a second chance. 

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