Part 3

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Initiation was here, and y/n was waiting with Ozpin and Glynda, with Glynda trying to make small talk with her and y/n shutting it down

Glynda: "So, ms. L/n since you'll be a teacher here we will be seeing more of eachother, let me know if you need any help with dealing with the students."

Y/n: "I guess I can."

Glynda: "Well maybe we can work together during lessons too maybe that'll make it easy to get the best from them all."

Y/n: "Sure, but let's focus on the initation shall we?"

Glynda just sighed as she couldn't seem to maintain a conversation with her

Ozpin: "Now now you two, Your here to protect the students if something bad happens and so it is vital to speak normally with one another, but for now y/n, why don't you go find everyone and bring them here?"

Y/n sighed and nodded and walked off towards the lockers where she was met with a very hyper girl running past her to her seemingly quiet friend, where she met up with ruby and Yang

Ruby: "Yep no more getting to know you stuff, today its just me and my baby."

Y/n: "You'd be surprised at how you'll need to meet new people Ruby."

Ruby: "Ugh you sound like dad! First of all what does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!"

Y/n: "And uh, how well is that going for you ruby?"

Ruby glared at Y/n who just shrugged

Ruby: "Anyway no I Don't! I can just be on a team with you, yang and jaune!"

Yang began to fiddle with her hair while Y/n texted on her scroll

Ruby: "Yang Xiao Long, are you implying you and y/n do not want to be on a team with me?"

Yang: "What? No! I just thought... Maybe you should branch out you know? Make new friends break out of your shell?"

Y/n: "Also I'm a teacher now, not a student."

Yang: "That too!"

Ruby: "What! i don't need to break out of my shell! that's!"

Jaune: "Ridiculous! I swear i put my gear in another locker, i would of remembered having to count to Locker 636!"

Y/n: "Isn't that?"

Yang: "Isn't that what?"

Y/n: "Nothing. Besides he isn't going to get there for his gear."

Ruby and yang gave a look as y/n turned towards weiss and a ms. Pyrrha Nikos talking

Weiss: "So, Pyrrha, have you given your team any thought? I'm sure lots of people must want to be with a strong well-minded character such as yourself!"

Pyrrha: "I don't know, i was planning on letting the chips fall where they may."

Weiss: "Well maybe we can-"

Y/n/Weiss: "Be on a team together?"

Weiss turned around and pyrrha leaned to see a stoic y/n staring at them both

Y/n: "Don't mind me, just wanted to let you initiation is starting."

Y/n waved and walked off leaving the two to talk as she walked back to where ozpin and Glynda were still standing talking to one another

Y/n: "Ozpin, I'm so regretting taking your offer now, these kids are going to be so aggravating, please say i can beat them in my class."

Ozpin just chuckled and adjusted his glasses

Ozpin: "We will see, look here they come."

Y/n turned to the group and rested her arms behind her back as she viewed the group of people, she took in a few familiar faces and a few unknown ones, as she was off in her own world, Ozpin was speaking.

Ozpin: "Now about Teams, they will be chosen today."

Ruby: "What!?"

Ozpin: "That being said, the person you make eye contact with will be your partner for 4 years."

Ruby: "Ohhhh...."

Y/n smirked as she watched Ruby's world shatter into pieces

Nora: "What did i tell you ren!"

Ozpin: "After you find your partner make your way to the northern end of the forest, along the way you'll face Enemies, do not hesitate to fight your way through, or you will die."

Y/n: "Looks like some people just wet themselves over there."

Y/n made a look at Jaune and several other students as Ozpin spoke again

Ozpin: "Now then, are there any questions? "
Jaune had raised his hand as the students began to be launched off the platforms

Jaune: "So uh sir, is there any uh parachutes you give us?"

Ozpin: "No, you will be falling."

Jaune: "I see, uh is there any particular way we land?"

Ozpin: "No, you will come up your own way of landing."

Jaune: "Ah ok ok, so is there anyway i can WOAH-"

Jaune yelled as he was thrusted into the air, with ozpin sipping his coffee, while Glynda kept a watch on the students with her tablet and y/n dangled her feet off of the cliff edge

Ozpin: "I wonder how they'll do."

Y/n: "I'll tell you, they'll do fine."

Ozpin: "And what makes you say that?"

Y/n turned and looked at Ozpin

Y/n: "Three of them were raised by summer rose."

And with that Y/n jumped off the cliff edge, where ozpin just sipped his coffee and Glynda sighed.

(Boom baby I'm back, but dying inside i need sleep and a new functioning brain lol, but anyway hope you enjoyed! Bye all i love you! Also dms and such are open if you wish to talk to me! Bye!)

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