Locked in

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A long day was an exaggeration. After what felt like years of debate and scrutiny, it was finally over, 6pm. Jesse loosened his tie and sat down that feeling was one that could never be matched. Rob, a seat across from Jesse  took a large gulp out of his water, he looked down and realised it wasn't his water bottle the initials on the side read JK, "oi that's mine" Jesse teased, "sorry I.......guess we have the same bottle"
"So how was it?" Jesse asked "how was what?" Rob replied, "our indirect kiss" Jesse said pushing his hair out of his eyes to give rob a jokingly playful smile. Rob shook his head and grinned he could feel himself blush, but why?

Rob was about to leave, when he saw that Jesse was buried in a mountain of paper work, rob knew he had to get home soon, his partner was making dinner for him. That's when he locked eyes with Jesse, there was no way out now he had to help now. Silently Rob sat down and started at one of the piles.  Jesse placed a hand on Rob's back and said " you don't have to stay you know", "well I've started now" Rob replied, "good cos that was a lie I was hoping you'd stay" Jesse laughed. And slowly slid his hands down robs back then got back to his work. Rob was feeling conflicted the joke about the kiss, the hand all of it felt flirty, but he couldn't be, Jesse was married he had pictures of his kids at his desk, surely none of this meant anything. Rob brushed of the thought as he was was in a relationship and "oh shit I'm late for dinner" " yeah I've got to get home too". Jesse and Rob rushed to leave. "What's the problem" Jesse said
"It won't .... it's not....ugh it won't open" Rob said struggling
"Hold on let me try" said Jesse, no luck.
They were locked in. "But I thought they closed parliament at 11pm"
"Jesse look" rob said while pointing to the abnormally large clock that clearly said 12:30. Locked in parliament with no signal. "Wait I know where we can g0, I used to pretend to go to the toilet but go and take naps there". Jesse took rob to a storage closet with an old jumper rolled into a pillow and small blanket. Rob gave Jesse a blank but scary look but they decided to make use of what they had. Two grown men in a storage closet past 12 sharing a blanket, not a usual sight. It was silent for a bit with the occasional cough and sniff. Till Rob felt a warm hand against his own at first he thought it was an accident then Jesse tightened his grip and interlocked fingers, rob was shocked and laid still. Jesse got up still holding hands and stroked Robs forehead and gave it a small kiss. Jesse moved his fingers over Rob's lips and then kissed him, a kiss so wrong but so passionate. Rob couldn't lie the warmth from Jesse's mouth was addictive he couldn't even pull away not that he wanted to. Jesse slid his hands  through Rob's hair while he continued, Rob put his hands firmly on Jesse's chest putting his fingers in the holes between the buttons of his shirt. The sin behind the kiss made it even more desirable.

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