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| villainy (n): wicked or criminal behavior |

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| villainy (n): wicked or criminal behavior |

   HAYLEY HAD TO admit that Jordyn was a very pleasant woman to be around, offering a kindness and understanding that was usually hard to find in a world like this. She spoke to Hayley sweetly, trying not to offend her with the stories of Mercy's childhood in Jordyn's care; however, Hayley actually found herself laughing at some of the things Jordyn was telling her. She was specifically laughing at the image of Mercy turning down boys left and right.

"I swear!" Jordyn laughed as well, and the two women were at ease with each other in the room. "She was always too caught up in one thing or another to realize all the hearts she broke along the way. It certainly made Nik happy, though."

Hayley laughed again, picturing the hybrid basically jumping for joy at the prospect of Mercy turning down dates. "I can definitely see that," she responded with a nod, but she frowned again, looking to Jordyn quizzically. "But could I ask, who's that boy that hangs around Mercy? Klaus doesn't seem to be tearing him limb from limb, so I'm curious."

"Oh, that's Tokala," Jordyn answered for her easily, crossing her legs over one another and leaning back in her chair with an amused roll of her eyes. "And trust me, you should've seen him and Nik when he first showed up. They were always at each other's throats."

"Who is he? How did he and Mercy meet?" Hayley asked, truly curious to know the answer.

Jordyn winced for a moment, which confused the other woman to no end. "Well..." Jordyn started. "He's connected to Mercy through the First Powers—you know the three wolves that live inside of her?" When Hayley nodded, remembering Klaus mentioning the First Powers; even if she didn't know exactly what they did, she knew that they were an essential part of who Mercy was now. "Tokala was the first wolf to meet with them, back when werewolves were first created."

Hayley widened her eyes at that information. "So, he's immortal?" She drawled, and Jordyn nodded.

"Yeah, I'm not completely sure how that all works, but there's something else you should probably know," she replied slowly, and Hayley tilted her head, gesturing for her to continue. After a small breath, Jordyn did. "Since Mercy and Tokala were both chosen by the First Powers, they're kind of... betrothed to each other." Hayley's eyes widened, but Jordyn kept going. "They share a bond, where Tokala can feel her emotions, and she can feel his."

"She's supposed to marry him?" Hayley asked, incredulous. These were the kinds of things she wished Klaus told her earlier. She was probably the last one in the house to find out, and she didn't know how to feel about this new information. She, herself, had been in an arranged marriage with Jackson, and she found a way to be happy, but how did Mercy feel about all this? She was only fifteen; she couldn't seriously be thinking about marriage this soon, right?

But Jordyn nodded her head. "They're supposed to unite the wolves under one ruling, and give the wolves strength like never before," she explained, quirking an eyebrow at Hayley. "Kind of what you did with your own pack, giving them the strength and speed and control of a hybrid. It's sort of the same thing."

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