Death factory

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(I do not own call of duty or the characters and I do not own the video or the pics anyway enjoy)

November 14th 1944
Your POV
It has been three weeks since we took down the German hotel fortress and now we are focusing in the hurtgen Forrest clearing it so the convoy can get to the Rhine and I'm sitting in a tent with my brother red and the little boy I rescued from those nazi hearted bastards and turner decided to let him stay after we found out the little boys family was dead I've decided I'm going to adopt him and I named him ares and along with zussman aiello and stiles and I knew my brother red was scared to open his letter but I doubt Hazel would let him off like that and zussman said "if it's over where here for ya pal" and stiles said "I tried to warn you" and I pat my brother on the back and says "I doubt she would do that to you red you two have a strong bond but if she does then I'll be there for you" and he nods and says "she's pregnant" and I say "woo your gonna be a father and  I'm gonna be an aunt" and then zussman says "woo that huge" and aiello says "alright Daniels is gonna be a daddy and y/n is gonna be a aunt" but then my brother said "she was trying to let me know but...I wasn't ready to hear it" and the smiles on me aiello zussman and stiles dropped and then zussman said "alright I could use another cup of joe cmon you mooks let's give I'm some space" and the stiles said "but I don't want coffee" and zussman pokes his head in the tent saying "sure ya do" and aiello already left and along with stile and zussman looks at me and asks "hey y/n you coming with" and I say "yeah just uh give me a sec" and he leaves snd i hub my brothers shoulders and say "you know brother I don't blame you for not being ready to hear every parent is gonna be shocked and not ready to hear about the future birth of thier child especially during a war but you have to stay stronger and fight harder because you promised your wife you would make it home and now you have to keep that promise to your future son but know this no child deserves to have to live life without one parent while the other has to work alone to help the child stay healthy and alive and I know you are going to be amazing dad and let anyone know that you can be as just as greater as our father was and prove to him you are nothing like that lazy drunk bastard of a father and a man and know that you and I will win this war and maybe we might go home as warn hero hell we might even win a bronze star and we both promised to Paul that one day we could be just like him and we proved ourselves now get out there and be soldiers a brother and a sister against a war together" and he nods with a tear running down "your right sister let's go" he wipes it away and we leave our tent and see aiello zussman and stiles staring at me and I say "what?" And zussman says "that was beautiful" and I nod and we head over to Davis and turner standing beside him and Davis says "the hurtgen is dark and nearly impenetrable.our mission is to take hill 493 whoever holds the hill dominates the valley. And for lesser men this task might seem insurmountable. But our division boosts a proud history of firsts. In World War One we where first to hold off a German attack, first to launch a counteroffensive, first to cross the Rhine nothing has ever stopped us nothing ever will! Lieutenant tell em what we are all about" and turner looks at us and says "No mission too difficult no sacrifice too great duty first" and then Davis says "I can't hear you" and turner looks annoyed already but says louder "No mission too difficult No sacrifice too great Duty first!" And then Davis yells "that's right now get ready to move out!" And then zussman says to me and my brother "duty first back to the ol meat grinder" as zussman walks away to get ready and red says "amen brother" and then Davis says "we move out in 5" and then I walk up to turner and follow him to his tent and I see ares is asleep in him lynx fur cot  and say to turner "I have a bad feeling about this" and turner then hugs me with his arm around my waist and kisses my lips and I kiss back then we pull away and he says "don't worry gorgeous I got your back" and I say "and I got yours" and he smiles at me lovingly and I smile back and Pierson comes in and says "sir we should move out soon" and turner nods and I kiss ares on the then I follow turner and Pierson and we rally along with my brother zussman stiles and aiello and a few other soldier rallied with me turner and Pierson and then turner says "alright our objective is to eliminate the hilltop artillery so we can hold the forest. First stage is linking up second platoon at the river. Move out!" And then we all head down there while jogging stiles asks "what kind of resistance are we looking at?" And the turner replies while still focusing on the path "bridge has been changing hands all day" and then I say "we are gonna help them secure it" and then we show up to perez a tank driver and he looks at us with excitement in his voice "here she is! Davis assembled the biggest damned armor convoy ever!" And then my brother says "if that don't put the fear of god in the damn kruats" and I finish "then what will brother?" And then zussman says "it's still a long drive to the Rhine" then turner replied "that's why we gotta hammer those guns to keep them alive" as we start jogging on the path then Perez warns us "hey watch your asses your in the death factory" and I say "don't worry Perez we will bring ya a kruat tanks head" and he laughs then I hear aiello say "hey zussman does the cold make the ol wound act up? Because my nonna broke her hip and every winter-" then zussman interrupted saying "do I look like your nonna?" And then aiello teases "now that you mention it..." and then zussman said "kiss my frozen ass" and then aiello says "I rather kiss my nonnas" and then zussman says "that's a pretty picture" and I say "keep talking and I'll force ya both to kiss Davis frozen ass" and they immediately shut thier mouths while turner and my brother along with stiles laugh and Pierson tried so hard not to he almost did though and then we arrive at the defense site and turner yells "everyone on me!" And I help my brother set up the defense bombs and then I hear zussman say "sir I thought we where gonna hit the artillery at 493" and I say "that will leave the lines exposed zussman" and he makes an oh look and then I hear Pierson say "I thought woman couldn't speak unless spoken to" and I reply "I thought assholes where down there but turns out it's on ya face" and I hear the boys say "ohhh" and then a soldier says "I see kruats through the fog" and we get ready to defend the positions and I next to turner and a battle begins I shoot as many krauts as I can get and killed quite a few of them. I took out my two axes and kill two kruats with them and they pierced the skulls and I took out the axes from their skulls and I stabbed a kruats that was coming after me with the axes and stab em till they drop dead and blood and more guts spilled to the muddy ground and then incoming bombs started to go off and I then grabbed my brother and we went to cover with turner
After the battle
I hear turner yell to my brother "Daniels get over here and good job" and then Pierson aiello zussman and stiles rally on turner and turner says "We're going to split into two teams Pierson you're going to North over the bridge and reach the hill I'll follow the river with a squad to help you advance Assembly points will be the base of hill 493 y/n you'll go with them to give them an advantage same with you zussman" and I say to my brother "see you soon" and red says "yeah you two be careful out there" and zussman say "see you soon" and turner gives me a quick kiss and so do I and Pierson says "cmon" and we head out
Turners POV
I so worried sick thinking if y/n get killed I don't know if I wanna live but I got to for her and for ares for the past few weeks I've been seeing ares as my son he may not be really mine but I would not love him more if we were really mine but y/n is different than any of the other women I've met but that's what I love about her she is gorgeous she is kind hearted and shows it and she doesn't care what other people think and she fought hard for her life for her country and for us she is my woman and mine alone and when ever I'm angry she calms me down and when I'm upset she lights up even the darkest days I don't know what I would do without her and one day I hope that will marry me I was close in buying her a ring when we had our first time like in sex I was so lost in her beautiful eyes while claiming her as mine it was the best night of my life

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