Chapter 2

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A.N: Chapter Two.

Bell POV: 

After Garrett goes to the door I dash to get Renesmee quickly while he has a conversation with this mystery woman. I tell Renesmee she will be meeting a new person and she is excited so she pulls me into the living room and runs to Edward straight away. When Garrett comes back in he has a beautiful woman with him she was so beautiful it was a close call who was prettier between her and Rose. She has hair as black as night that is wavy and near curly. That you can tell was natural. She has a noticeable hourglass figure. She is wearing some black skinny jeans and a dark green top with a black blazer and six-inch heels that matched her top in colour. I know immediately that Alice will enjoy her fashion style. She has an old-fashioned ring on her finger that makes me wonder when she was turned. She also had a charm bracelet that held a wand, mirror, scarf, glasses, an envelope and a small motorcycle which made me realise I didn't hear her approach the house. At that moment Edward told Renesmee to go to the Lady after Garrett waves her over. When Renesmee gets close the woman kneels down and picks her up effortlessly which I find amazing as I would have tripped even with my newfound grace and Rose and Alice wore flats when holding her. But that isn't the only thing that shocked me her eyes are the most striking green I had ever seen. She is human. How? We would hear her heartbeat.

Prim POV: As the child got closer I kneel down and pick her up I lift my head at that point and can tell they are all shocked. The child who I know to be Renesmee raises her hand to touch my face. When I stop her.

"It is not necessary for you to show me, child, I already know and believe. Nice to meet you Renesmee I am Primrose but you may call me Prim," I say gently. She smiles at me and nods. "Now as all the adults in the room are in shock would you tell me where the kitchen is so I can cook some food it is nearly dinner time after all," I ask, she grins put her hand to my face to show me. We about to leave the room but I stop and turn to look at Garrett and ask, "Do you want some food as well?"

"Hell yeah," he answers cheerfully and follows us. With that, we go into the kitchen leaving the other shell-shocked vampires in the living room. I decide to make meatballs and had just put the fifty meatballs in the pans (I know it's a lot but there a lot of vamps and three shapeshifters so it would be eaten) when somehow all the vamps come into the room how they fit is beyond me.

"Garrett are you mad that food will taste awful," the one I find out is Emmett from Renesmee's help says.

"Blasphemy!" Garrett shouts pointing his finger at Emmett, "Do not say such horrid things about this food. Yes, all the other food I would rather lose a hand than eat but this food is amazing. Don't give your niece the wrong idea Emmett." He does this covering a giggling Renesmee ears, who is now on my back so she can watch me cook. By this point, I am looking for plates, the beauty of magic, when Renesmee shows me through her gift. I find plates and bowls and bring a lot down as they were needed. The sound of them hitting the table causes everyone to look at me as if they only just remember I am here. I just carry on cooking the pasta, sauce and meatballs. I let Renesmee stir the sauce and pasta a little before I declare it ready.

"Garrett you might want to explain that you haven't become even madder than you were and that I can do something to food so it is appetising to vampires and you don't have to throw it up," I chuckle draining the pasta.

"Okay, how have you made the food that quick?" Edward asks watching me like a hawk seen as I had his child on my back.

"Don't worry about that it is another one of my tricks, kinda like your mind thing," I tell him putting Renesmee in a seat with some food in front of her which she starts eating. I make a plate for everyone and three had triple servings and place it in front of the wolves as everyone had all sat down. "For you big appetites," I grin with a wink putting the three large bowels in front of the shapeshifters. The youngest shifter, Me, Renesmee and Garrett all started eating. I and Garrett say we won't answer any questions until they eat. Emmett decides to give in first and once it was confirmed it was good everyone else slowly starts eating as well. Once that is done I put all the dishes in the dishwasher and stack up any that wouldn't fit on the side.

"Will you tell us now?" Jasper asks impatiently.

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