ben hardy

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imagine meeting ben for the first time at a chemistry test for the movie '6 underground

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imagine meeting ben for the first time at a chemistry test for the movie '6 underground.'

when you walked through that door for the chemistry test, ben could not take his eyes off of you. he thought you were the most beautiful and charming person he had ever met. in better words, he was starstruck. the blonde's eyes of adoration shown through to the camera and you got the part on the spot. the both of you were thrilled and ben walked you to the door. the both of you exchanged numbers, said goodbye to each other, and went to your cars. ben looked back at your for a second, there was a fluttery feeling in his stomach that he hadn't felt in a long time. he knew what it meant and let's just say, later on you two would be happy together as two peas in a pod.

Have a great day/night loves!! Thanks again!!😘❤️


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