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you and the ghost crew were on the way to turgistan via jet

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you and the ghost crew were on the way to turgistan via jet. while you were looking at a magazine, four was smoothly checking you out and two was flirting with three. you were mentally laughing at the shit going down.

[during the flight]
"You know, I usually look at the stewardess to see if I should be scared."

"Flight attendant. You can look at me."

"Oh, darling, you could be on fire, and you would have the same creepy blank expression on your face. No offense."

"You know, guys, what sucks? If we were to crash, no one would ever know or care. We would have no impact on anything. Like we never existed."

[over the intercom]
"Uh, I can hear you. And if you're going to shit your pants, there's a bathroom in the back."

you chuckled. sometimes they were annoying but you loved them all. theoretically, they were all you had left.

Have a great day/night loves!! Thanks again!! ❤️😘


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