show time;

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You know what I'm probably just going to write the entire story tODAY IDEK WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME


Calum bolted outside of the security room, he ran down the hallway, his loud footsteps echoing in the large halls, he heard screaming, crying and laughter but he didn't care. He just wanted to get the fuck out.

The hallways seemed to go one forever, like a never ending tunnel but alas, he made it to the front of the pizzeria and he saw the exit door. His eyes widen as picked up the pace to get out of here, but something stopped him.

"You're not going anywhere." A voice said. Calum suddenly stopped his running. His hands were on the door knob. This was his only chance to escape, but of course somebody stopped.

"Try to escape and I'll shoot you." The familiar voice said. Calum slowly turned around, wanting to know who stopped him from his great escape. and he saw what he expected. The purple and blue uniform, the badge, the cop hat, and in his hand, a gun.

Calum put up his hands, as if he committed murder but who didn't want to die, he didn't want anyone of his friends to die.

"Follow me Calum." The head security guard said. Calum nodded his head but with a mean glare, he followed the large guard near the stage. There were empty seats and the curtains on the stage were closed. What's behind the curtain?

"Take a seat in the front, if you try to move away, I'll shoot you." The guard said casually. Calum quickly took a seat in the front and the guard sat beside him.

"It's show time." Calum heard him say. Suddenly the curtains open and what Calum saw might haunt him forever.

All three of his friends were up there, sitting in chairs, theur hands and legs were tied with rope and it looked painful, duck tape was on each of their mouths, tears were streaming down their faces and as soon as they saw Calum, their eyes widen and they attempted to break free, but everyone in the rrom knew that it was no use.

One of the animatronics walked to the front of the stage. The bunny. It took a bow and the guard started clapping, Calum was terrified and confused to why the guard was clapping. The bunny stood behind Ashton and stood still. The next animatronic came out and it was a fox, Calum believed.

It took a bow just like the bunny and stood behind Luke. The next animatronic was the chicken, the one that took Michael. It took a bow and stood behind the red haired boy.

What happens now? Calum thought. His thoughts were answered when the last animatronic walked on stage, Freddy.

"Let the fun begin." The giant bear said in a deep, taunting voice.

"Calum. Who should be the first to go?" It said.

"What? What the fuck? You expect me to choose which one of my friends dies first?" Calum said and his voice cracked when he said 'dies.'

"Yes. Now choose, or else I'll make you shoot one of them."

Calum now had tears in his eyes. He had to choose which of his friends dies first. That is sick, this place is sick, the security guard is sick.

"You have 10 seconds to choose." The bear said.

Calum looked at his friends. They all looked tired and broken and none of them could stop crying. How is Calum gonna choose? He can't loose his friends, they're his only friends. They all stood by eachother ever since year 5. They had their ups and downs but in the end they're always there for each other. Calum considers them family, and he's pretty sure they feel the same way.

"3 more seconds." Freddy said.

"LUKE." Calum yelled. He didn't mean it, he didn't want to choose, he didn't want to say Luke it just blurted out, he panicked. Now his panicking cost Luke his life.

The security guard smiled, "As you wish."

He walked up onto the stage, stood next to Luke and put his gun up to his head. Luke looks like he was about to have a panic attack and he was violently shaking his head. He didn't want to die. The guard put his finger on the trigger and Luke let out a muffled scream due to the duck tape on his mouth.

"LUKE NO I'M SO SORRY!" Calum yelled but it was no use. Nothing was much of use in this situation because it happened. Everyone heard the gunshot. It was loud and clear. All three boys were crying their eyes out at what just happened, they couldn't believe it, no one could believe it. But it's the truth, the cold, hard, painful truth.

Luke was dead.



Five Night's At Freddy's [5SOS AU]Where stories live. Discover now