Chapter three: Luka, the Best

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Authors Note: I hope you're enjoying the story! Please comment! But for now, Happy Reading! 😄😁

Tikki woke up Marinette the next day. But the sadness of yesterday still lingered. She ate breakfast and gave Tikki a macaron. Then she headed out to the park to get some fresh air. Just as she took her drawing book, her phone chimed. 

Marinette: Luka messaged me?

She openned the chat.

Luka: Marinette, are you free?

Marinette: Yeah, why?

Luka: I wanted to show you a new tune I created!

Marinette: Okay! I'm at the park now, I will head to your houseboat in a few minutes.

Luka: Thanks Marinette! Take your time!

Marinette: Bye Luka! 

Luka: Bye Marinette!

Marinette closed her phone.

Tikki: Some time with Luka will clear your mind and I love Luka's music! Let's go fast! 

Marinette: Okay, okay, Tikki!

At the houseboat, in Luka's room

Luka: I'm glad you came!

Marinette: Of course I would come! Now the tune you were saying?

Luka: I'll show that later. But, I feel something is wrong. You look quite happy, but your tune right now is like...

*Plays a sad tune

Luka: Is anything wrong?

Marinette: Ummm, yeah. 

Luka: Tell me what's wrong Marinette. I can help you out!

Marinette: Well... There's this girl at school name Lila, and she lies with every breathe. At first, I tried exposing her, but Adrien told me not to, because there was a chance Lila could change. Then Lila threatened me in the bathroom saying that she would make my life miserable if I did not play along with her, and I said no. After that incident, she's been faking injuries and telling others that I bully her. My life is miserable now, Luka! Miserable! None of my friends believe me, and Adrien unfriended me yesterday for trying to expose Lila again!

Marinette reached out to wipe a tear, but broke down into tears in the middle. Luka could not believe it. Someone dared to hurt the love of his life? Anger bubbled inside him.

In Shadow Moth's lair

Shadow Moth: I feel a unique negative emotion. A poor teen, who feels crushed to see the love of his life, the strongest one he knows, broken down by a liar. 

Shadow Moth takes an akuma and an amock, and fills them with dark energy, turning them purple. 

Shadow Moth: Fly away, my evil akuma and amock, and akumatize this pure soul!

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