Are you the mommy?

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Few moments later they were sitting silently, watching the children play.
"Which one is yours?" Rosanne asked Mohana.
"What? Sorry I didn't get you?" Mohana had slipped into the world of imaginations.
"I mean which one of the kids is your child?"  Rosanne explained.
"Neither of them, I don't have kids, I am actually single, I came here purely out of boredom."
"Oh!! I just assumed you are a parent too. You just have that parental instinct. You knew exactly what Desi would've wanted." Rosanne was surprised.

"Ya, well I was raised in a joint family in Mumbai, a lot of little nieces and Nephews, so I know how to care for a kids merely from observating my aunts." Mohana explained.

"That's pretty cool. I don't know anything about kids, and I am awful with kids, I mean I don't know how handle kids. Good thing I don't have kids, yet." Rosanne was pretty bemused by Mohana.

"But you have Desi, right?" Mohana asked.

"Oh, no Desi is my younger sister's child. She still a teen so she lives with me. I look after Desi when she has to study or needs a break. Desi calls mummy because my sister thinks I have earned that respect by caring for him so much" Rosanne explained.

"Oh! I get it. I have an aunt, like she is my dad's older brother's wife. Every child in the family calls her Mom, because she is very loving and motherly. It feels right, you know." Mohana said.

"You sound exactly like my sister" Rosanne replied, with a giggle in her voice.

"Do I!" Mohana said giggling.

"You know, I owe you one for taking care of Desi, let's go get ice creams sometime?" Rosanne offered.

"So, you don't owe me one, but I never say no to a pretty woman." Mohana replied.

"Great, let's go tomorrow, then? Meet me here, same time??"

"Sure, I'd love that." Mohana said, excitedly.

"This is my number,if you don't spot me right away, give a ring. Okay? Rosanne said, handing out her visiting card.

"I'll see tomorrow then. I have to run home. "

"See you tomorrow!" Rosanne said.

The ladies shook each others' hand and  Mohana left.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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