Ch. 8 "Memories"

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                                               Hayden POV 


Four year old Hayden ran up the stairs terrified, after accidentally breaking something, she could see something in her mother's eyes she's never seen before, 


Hayden make's it into her room, and opens the closes, closing the shutter doors, and sitting on her bottom scooting as far away from the door as possible, 

She heard the booming of her parents footsteps, storming up the wooden stairs, 

Hayden's breathing was rapid and shallow at the same time, her back finally hitting the wall, 

"Hayden! where the hell are you!?" Her mother's voice boomed through the room, 

"You need to learn a lesson, come out here now!" Her father shouted, 

Hayden's chest rising and falling rapidly, completely petrified, 

The shutter doors to the closet open at a fast pace, 

"There you are you little brat!" Her father said grabbing her by the hair, 

Hayden, had her hands on her father's wrist trying to lesson the pain, 

"You broke something that doesn't belong to you, what are we going to do about that," Her father said 

Next thing, Hayden was thrown down the flight of wooden stairs, 

Hayden groaned slowly rising to her hands and knees, only to earn a kick in her side, making her roll, 

"You think were done not even close!" Her mother said kicking her again, 

                                            End Nightmare, 

My eyelids shot open, making me jolt up sitting up quickly, my chest rising and falling rapidly, sweat covering my skin, 

Sweat falling from my forehead, resulting in some of my hair sticking to it, 

I looked around realizing where I was, 

"Nightmares?" I hear, 

I turn in the direction and see Carol, 

"What?" I asked slowing my breathing, 

"Are they nightmares?" She asked smiling at me kindly as she walked in the room, 

"I guess you could say that," I whispered, 

She set a glass of orange juice next to the night stand handing me a plate with some eggs and bacon on it, 

"I thought I would bring you something to eat, you must be hungry," She said 

"Uh, Thanks," I said confused, 

She sat next to me on the other side of the bed since Daryl was still asleep in the chair to my right, 

"Not that I don't mind you bringing me food, but..." I trailed off, 

"What am I doing here?" She asked as she chuckled 

I nodded, 

"I came to thank you," She said 

I arched my brow, 

"Sophia told me and the other's what you did for her, what you did to keep her alive, to keep her safe," She said 

I felt myself turn red, 

"Yeah, umm, well I had to, besides I knew none of you would have forgiven me if I let anything happen to her anyway," I mumbled taking a bite of the eggs, 

"That's not true none of us would have thought any different of you," She said said 

"You see you say that now, but what would you have thought if I returned without her," I said 

She paused, 

"Exactly," I said nodding, 

"I would have been upset... but I would have never blamed you, your just a kid, one year older than my Sophia, I would have never held your responsible," She said 

I didn't say anything, I finished the food and orange juice, 

She took the plate and glass and walked out, 

I looked up at the ceiling, glaring at it, thinking about the memory I relived, the nightmare of what used to be my life, 

"I don't know what the ceiling did to earn that glare but it best apologize," I hear Daryl 

I look at him, 

"It's about time you wake up I was starting to get bored," I mumbled 

"I've been awake, just didn't want to disturb your little talk," He said 

"Of course you were awake," I said 

"So you goin to tell me about them scars yet?" He asked 

"No, like I said before there is nothin to talk about," I said 

He chuckled, 

"I see you bein injured still kept your stubbornness in tact," He said 

"It's the one thing that has made me survive as long as I have," I said glaring at him, 

"Well we've got a while darling until you heal that is, so you best start talkin," He said 

"Yeah, well I aint talkin jack about it," I said 

He chuckled, 

"Well I guess I'll be waitin awhile," He said 

"Looks like," I said smirking at him,

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