Chapter 10 - The Birthday Surprise

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Lasalle's head hit the desk. He immediately wondered how long he had been asleep. Sonja or one of the children had often found him dozing at his desk after a long shift. The first thing he always did when arriving home was to secure his weapon just because of this fact. Then he would turn on the home computer to see if there was some type of electronic message from his wife. Usually, it was just a few lines, but it allowed him the reassurance that she was still alive and at the same time thinking of him and her babies. They were stunned when Sonja got an overseas assignment a few days ago. MI-6 had asked specifically for her and her assignment had been ordered by the Department Director. So here he was again on pins and needles praying that his wife would return home safely and back into this age-old routine.

He reached in the drawer for the staple puller to open the envelope. "Happy Birthday my dearest husband. I am not sure how I could love you more every day. I wish that I could be there with you. I hope that this gift warms your heart. I am so grateful for the joy that you have brought into my life. I cannot wait to the in your arms again.


Upon opening the small box, he found a CD. Imprinted on the disk was a photo of their family. Then he saw a sheet of paper with words written on it. Chris stuck the CD into the drive. Almost immediately he felt tears on his face. He would later learn that the song played underneath, "All the Man that I Need" was a hit by the artist Whitney Houston. He had forgotten how beautiful his wife could sing as she belted out her own cover of the song. The CD included photos of the two of them as well as others of the children as they came along in the marriage.

He watched it several times before he headed to their bedroom. He took the opportunity to check on the children. Chris junior had an aversion to covers. They learned to double check him to make sure that he was still tucked in on the cold D.C. winter nights.

He wondered why the door was shut when he got to it. The children must have messing around he thought. He was sure that he had turned the night light in the bathroom off as he caught the reflection of the bulb. Suddenly in the glow of the bulb he saw his sweet bride on her side of the bed.

She had made it he thought as a smile came to his face! It was just like Sonja to make her homecoming a surprise. He reached in the closet for his PJs and robe leaving the robe on the bottom of the bed. He took a quick shower and shaved then joined his wife in the bed.

"Sonja" he said quietly. "Sonja, wake up". He heard her breathing changed and laughed at the bewilderment in her face when she rolled over.

"Husband" she whispered as she moved toward him. Over the years he had learned to gage how challenging the mission had been by how she initially greeted him. She held on for a long time, so he knew that this one was bad.

"I missed you my sweet Sonja" he told her. "And I have missed you too Christopher" she finally responded.

What a moment to remember that he had forgotten to lock the door. He pulled her back into his arms after he returned to the bed. It was only a few minutes until he felt the shallowness of her breathing. She had fallen back asleep. He smiled to himself again and soon entered into la la land as well.

He was awakened as Sonja stirred. "Happy Birthday my love" were the first words to escape her lips. "I'm sorry that I could not keep my eyes open last night. I did my best to be here on your special day. How did you like your gift?

"Honey, you never cease to amaze me. Of course, I loved it. I had forgotten about the song. You sing so many of her presentations, but I do not remember you ever singing that one".

"That is because I have not. It is just someone else's writing that captures how I feel about you.

Lasalle got up to go search for the children. "Hey son, would you go into the bedroom and find my keys? They should be on the table by the love seat. Olivia, you can go with him." He soon heard the children squeal with delight to find their mother sitting on the love seat. Chris started the hot water and returned to the master. He scooped up CJ, sat down and embraced his whole family. It ended up being a special few days. The children were home for a teacher's in-service day.

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