
Start from the beginning

And for once... she didn't feel like an outsider. She felt invincible with the girls by her side. But with great power, came great temptation. As beautiful as Alison was... she was the biggest bitch you'd ever meet. That may have been the biggest turn off... but the biggest turn on? Alison's older brother, Brandon. They were like magnets. They were complete opposites, barely had anything in common, but god did they work well together. They were drawn together. They were each other's everything in the short time they were together. An entire year of keeping their secret. They had no choice but too. He was older, and if Alison found out... then they were both dead. But they kept sneaking around... until Alison's disappearance. It was unexpected. Everything was fine that week leading up to it. Noelle was constantly being compared to Spencer, which she got out all her frustrations out with the help of Brandon. That night was going perfect... two hours with Brandon, then spending the night with the girls. It was the perfect way to end a perfect summer.

But then the unthinkable thing happened. Alison finally found out about their relationship causing a huge fight between the three. And unspeakable words being passed around between the three. It was the first time Alison truly felt betrayal. She was always more closer with Brandon than with Jason, which was why it hurt so much. And not to mention, beside from Emily, she was closest to Noelle. But Alison being Alison, brushed off the betrayal, like it was nothing. Which of course it meant something. Just now she has something to fully use against her betraying older brother and her "best friend." So Noelle and Alison went through the night like normal.... until Alison went missing.

Everyone was terrified, everyone was worried. But everyone was constantly questioning the six girls that last saw Alison DiLaurentis alive and in person. No one person more than Alison's older brother, Brandon. He might've been the middle child, but he was always closer with Alison. And he knew that one of those six girls had to have something to do with his sister disappearance. They were the last person to ever see her, if she was alive or not. Brandon knew that he wasn't going to stop until he found out what really happened to his sister. There was already a rift in their relationship because of the words that was thrown around with Alison. So when Brandon starts to question and blame Noelle and the other girls for what happened with his sister, Noelle draws back from him. Feeling offended and deeply hurt, more words were thrown between Noelle and Brandon. An unspoken agreement passed between the two that they couldn't be happy when there was so much hurt. And so they had broken up.

The breakup, on top of the disappearance, had caused a downward spiral in Noelle's uneventful life. She started staying out late, hanging with the wrong people, started drinking, sleeping around. Pretty much all the things you didn't want your daughter to do if she was the mayor's daughter. She lost contacts with all of her former friends, which was understandable after the disappearance. Aria moved away to Iceland, Spencer became even more enveloped in their studies than she was before, becoming mini versions of her parents. Hannah became even hotter than she was before, she lost weight and took Alison's place as the "It" girl. While Emily drifted back to the shadows and focused more on swimming. They all lived separate lives, something so different when Alison was still living. Their lives no longer included each other.

But that was until the one year anniversary of Alison's death. And the return of Aria Montgomery. With the anniversary, it brought upon these mysterious texts from someone named "A". This "A" person knew all of these secrets that only Alison knew, things that none of the other girls knew. It became a game that messed with all of their heads and ruined relationships. The five girls became almost sick with trying to find out who A was. They were terrified, someone- either a friend or a complete stranger- was watching them, causing them to become paranoid. "A" ruined a lot of things for them. And for some reason, they were so intent on destroying the group of friends.

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