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"Shiza? You here? Is every think ok?" I asked our neighbour. Well the next room hostel mate. We all are like a family. By the gloomy expression of her face I could jolly well tell that it was something serious.
"Appi th... there is a freaking beeeee in my room" , she told half dying. I was like What? Are you serious dude? Its just a bee not a CID! But its a hostel code✊ after brocode and siscode comes this quote which are the result of your author's endless imagination🤣. Plzzz have patience qk sabbar ka phal meetha hota he (translation :patience is virtue)
In a dormitory or sharing living , you might not be from the same city or ethnic background but you in no time become a family of its own. It is due to having problems and challenges of the similiar nature. Homesickness, inability to rock chores as your mom, not having home made food and ofcourse not to forget study pressure. There is one more which is rare and is considered a syndrome . Well yahoo your author even has it. She doesnt even leave any syndrom alone 🤦‍♀😂😅🤣. That is , taking every junior under her wing like a mama hen or a big sister. It has its own consequences. First of all they thinking you are a Hercules or something when actually you are only trying to face or supress your own fears for their sake or even your own.

"Shiza breathe! Hey hey calm down first and come inside. Its a bee not a bomb" Me in my normal joking way to lighten the atmosphere. "Nooooo, its soo menacing. Oh my God! Its gonna bite or even take my whole skin off" , she was losing it ladies and gentlemen. Totally going bonkers over a petty insect. Man, that wasnt even funny now. The kid was scare to death. I was imagining a buzzing bee with total weight equal to my pinkie taking whole skin off like a professional in leather industry of a 50 kg teenage woman🤷‍♀ Totally possible, right?

I was scrutining the over exaggerated predictions of a future super- hit talk show - host standing infront of me. "come on girlie, it doesnt bite unless as defence", me trying to calm her down. Well it is true, honey bee doesnt bite out of a hobby because its sting is its last shot only. The sting remains in the victom's skin after getting bitten making the buzzing being dead. "Appi, cant you come and see?" (ugh not again .these puppy eyes am telling you ,bro!) Why I supposingly so strong cant even resist the simple eyes that arent even human!

Me being an angel I am😂 went to their room for her peace sake. I cant help it when somebody ask for me and I can do something actually.

Entering the room, the best pictersique description would be the whole room turned upside down like World War III has been fought here recently. Three beds long forgotten of their original places, books flying everywhere while waspy creepy thing stays on a ceiling fan like a queen on a throne! Meanwhile three teenage girls ten times her size afraid of it like a guilty culprit infront of a judge ✒️and just going to a gallow to be beheaded! Me having an analytic glance of an archer before taking a dart🎯, was thinking of ways to get rid of this thing. Yeah, it was indeed a difficult shot, hitting flying slipper to a throne above. "Reena, do you have an insect spray?" Man what was I even asking. Its a dorm not a field where pesticides are sprayed every where!
Trust me more pescticides are sometimes needed than in any field to get some pests out of your life.
"Never mind, even a body spray will do the trick", me trying to be cool after my dumb question earlier.
Shiza and Reena looked at each other like trying to talk with eyes and finally found words. "We only have an air freshner as any aerosel" Reena told. "So ? I just need it to get down in order to smash it. Not readying her for her wedding"

Finally the fear stricken duo laugh. I was glad that atleast they are at a bit ease. While laughing my head off trying to imagine a Qazi (muslim religious scholar who is qualified in islamic laws) asking for bees consent for marriage and bee replying buzzing🐝🐝🐝🐝. Hahah. Cant help but roar like a dying hyena on that.
Me thinking of all the best hits to finally strike the final nail to its coffin 🕯⚰️and also my victory pose for a hero😎.

I , getting enough distracted, sprayed with all my might and alerted myslef for final round where flying flip flop would have greeted the poor being. Out of no where, buzz buzzzzz buzzing started or rather amplified with a newly found enthusiasm! This was not the only concern at that point, when a maroon -red and yellowed insect stumbled like a drunk man in a dark alley. Oh soooo great . I now not only have two scared girls ;but also, a high insect to deal with!
It reminds me of a famous Lollywood's (Pakistani film industry) song "Ye aaj mujh ko kya hua. Laralara laral lareyyy" (basically a slurred lyrics ' version).
It got all messed up😓 . Instead of getting cornered as per plan, it was all over the room with high on energy drinks. Well one thing I just thought was, an air freshner sold like a heroine and cocaine in bee's under world🤣😂😅😄😆😃. Me and my wild imagination.
It continued jumping from pillow to book then to drawer. From drawer to wall again and again. With circling over heads of us scaring the heck out of us every now and then. Bro I had exams due, I really need my hand functioning properly rather being swollen after getting a bite from some nasty insect! I tried knocking it over while it was sitting on Reena's pillow. I was like suffocating it to its death. Yeahhh Finally! atlast! I took the pillow off only to find the bee high on sugar buzzing again🤷‍♀. C' mon am gonna cry now! Why cant you be a good gir.. Opps bee ,and just die🤷‍♀. It will spare all of us from the trouble!
Me having enough , now waited patiently like a cunning predator and let it sit at the wall beside the study table. Once the drunk bee settles down, I wasted no time in smashing the table against it. Finally all my sweat and running bore fruit and I took its dead body as a proof to the dwellers and we did a proper burriyal to honour the not so completed services of the deceased😄😆.
Phewwww. Finally it was off my neck and me still in one piece.

Dont forget to acknowledge the awsome diacoverer of an air feshner hack later!
Adios! ba bya and Allah hafiz for now. Till next time keep rocking and giving your feed back because with out you guys , there is no point in publishing anything new

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