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Name: Nova Li May

Age: 24

Parents: Melinda May - mother Andrew garner -father

Other family : Phil coulson -uncle Lian May - grandma

Ethnicity : Asian- American

Eye colour : brown

Hair colour : dark brown

Species : inhuman

Face claim: Naomi Scott 

Ability : voice manipulation to men, woman and animals and can heal others with her voice and connect telepathically to them. Teleportation

Current location: afterlife

Other notes: Nova is very paranoid and suffers with frequent headaches she does not trust easily and will not let anyone touch her due to her trauma at hydra.

They trained Nova to become a cold blooded killer and put her through multiple torture methods on a daily basis.

She is trained in all types of fighting known to man and is skilled with weapons.

Nova is one to keep to herself she is not very social and will most likely run if you talk to her

- all types of combat
-inhuman gifts
- contortion

Tips to gain trust: keep going at her don't leave her alone she'll soon begin to believe you and trust you

Known as: MISSING

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