"Show me," and that was my undoing.


Emerin POV~

That morning, I woke up beside Legolas. Our limbs were entangled with one and other. The sun had not yet risen. I sat up, and observed the scar on my lower abdomen from the arrow. Legolas had not looked at it last night, or if her had, he did not say anything. I stepped out of bed, and collected my robe from off the ground. I went into the bathing room, and drew myself a bath. I washed myself thoroughly, and then exited. I dried myself and wore my clothes. As I dressed myself, I heard Legolas stir awake. He opened his eyes and sat up to look at me,

"Good morning," He grumbled sleepily, and smiled,

"Good morning." I replied. I was in the middle of braiding my hair when Legolas rose out of the bed. I looked at him and averted my eyes from his body, "Get dressed."I ordered. Legolas chuckled,

"Yes, my lady." he laughed. He pulled his pants on quickly, and that's when I heard a knock on the door,

"Emerin!" I heard Gimli's voice. He sounded worried. I motioned for Legolas to hide. He ran into the bathing room and closed the door. I opened the door for Gimli,

"Yes, Gimli? Is something the matter?" I said sweetly,

"It's..." he panted. He must have been running, "It's Legolas. I can't find him!" I tried to stifle a laugh, but a small snort came out. Gimli raised a brow and then looked at me seriously, "May I come in?" He asked. I hesitated, but allowed him to walk in. As Gimli looked around my room, he continued to speak, "You wouldn't happen to know where he is, would ya?" He asked mischievously,

"No, I don't believe I do," I lied. Gimli turned to me and smiled widely before he said loudly,

"Emerin! Your wound! It's bleeding!" There was a shuffling noise before the door to the bathing room flew open,

"Emerin!" Legolas ran out. I raised a hand to my head and laughed. Gimli's loud laugh joined mine,

"I think I've found him, Aragorn." He yelled, and Aragorn walked into the room, laughing,

"Well, well, well. There he is. Quickly now, Legolas! get dressed, we leave at first light, which is nearly here. Come Gimli!" and with that, the two of them left.


We were on the edge of battle. I sat behind Legolas on a horse. We all sat in silence in front of the gate. Nothing.

"Where are they?" Pippins quiet voice startled me. At that, we began to ride towards the gate, Aragorn leading us. We rode through the barren field until we reached the towering, black gate. Once we had all reached the gate, Aragorn voice rang out,

"Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth! Let justice be done upon him!" We all waited in silence. A long moment passed. The gate began to open, letting out a rumbling noise. A single horse rode out to meet us. Atop it, a vile creature who's eyes were obscured, with a large mouth with long, sharp teeth, wearing a large, horrific grin. When he began to speak, I felt an awful shiver pass through me,

"My master, Sauron the Great, bids thee welcome." He finished the sentence with a large, awful smile, "Is there any in this rout with authority to treat with me?" He asked after no one said a word,

"We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed. Tell your master this: The armies of Mordor must disband. He is to depart these lands, never to return." Gandalf's voice was low. The creature let out an atrocious laugh,

"Old Greybeard... I have a token I was bidden to show thee!" He smiled wider and pulled something out of his saddlebag, and held it up like a trophy to us, and I realized what it was. My breath was stuck in my throat, and tears burned at my eyes, pooling there, threatening to fall,

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