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Callie is waiting at the gate and she can't stand still. She picks at her nails, she walks up and down and her brain keeps going over and over the thousands of possible ways to welcome her ex wife. She thinks about Sofia, too, and she's so excited to see her that her heart could literally explode, but at the same time she's scared. The last time she saw her it was Christmas and she already looked so grown up. What if she doesn't recognize her own child? What if it's been too long and Sofia doesn't recognize her?

She's seven years old, Callie. Of course she'll remember you, she tries to remind herself. It doesn't work.

Landed safe. We'll be there in a little.

Arizona texted over ten minutes ago. How much time is a little? What if they got lost? What if...

- Mama! -

Her baby's voice takes over all the bad and scary feelings. She's here, Sofia is here. She watches as the little girl runs towards her with her arms wide open, losing her pink trolley behind her in the process. Callie tries not to stare at the beautiful blonde woman picking it up and walking right behind her with a couple of other big suitcases of her own. She notices her limping in an almost unnoticeable way and makes a mental note to carry the bags for her as they go. Then she looks back at Sofia, who has reached her and is now hugging her tight with her tiny but strong arms.

- Mama, I'm back! -

- You are back, baby. I'm so happy to see you. Gosh, you look so big and so beautiful. -

She really does, Callie thinks, scooping her up, not without a little effort since she must have grown two inches since Christmas. She can't stop squeezing her and kissing her face and even when tears roll down her face, she doesn't bother drying them.

- Mama, don't cry. Look, I'm here. I'm right here. - Sofia giggles.

- You have no idea how much I have missed you, Sofia. You have no idea. -

- I missed you too, mama. But now we'll all be together, won't we? -

- Yes, Sofia. We will. -

That's Arizona talking. Callie's heart rate alarmingly increases as she looks up to meet those eyes again. She always thought that such a perfect shade of blue shouldn't even be allowed to exist. It's so beautiful it's almost painful to lock eyes with her for more than a few seconds. She looks away, afraid that if she stares to long she will melt into her arms and kiss her right there, in the middle of the airport, in front of everyone, including their seven year old daughter.

She feels something weird in her stomach, something she hasn't felt in a while. She's shocked to recognize what it is: butterflies. Can you even feel butterflies in your late thirties? Aren't those just for horny teenagers? Apparently not.

- Hi, Callie. -

Callie is glad she didn't use her full name. She believes she would have broken apart if she did.

- Hey, it's good to see you. -

Was that casual enough? Should she hug her now?

Arizona seems to have it pretty figured out because she steps forward and hugs her, like it's the most natural thing in the world. She smells like flowers, just like she used to. It's one of the thing Callie loves about her.

Loved, Callie. Past tense.

She can't allow herself to feel anything like that now, it's been too long.

She clears her voice and says: - Should we go now? -

She's finally feeling steadier. That's good.

- I'm going to take a cab. - Arizona gives her a little smile. - You two have a lot of catching up to do and I should go check out my new house. -

- Oh, so you finally found a place to stay? - Callie asks, genuinely surprised. Arizona had had a hard time finding anything suitable to her needs, it was one of the reasons why they had been texting a lot lately. Callie had offered to have her sleep in the guest room until she could find something, but she knew that wasn't the best solution. Regardless of any feelings she was scared could spark back up, her apartment was on the fourth floor and there was no elevator. Arizona seemed to have almost no problems with stairs anymore, but Callie knew that on a bad leg day so many steps could represent an obstacle.

- Yeah, it's a little out of town but it's not too far from Sofia's school and the clinic is opening near NYU actually. -

- Really? That's nice, we'll be really close. -

She regrets immediately having said that. Why should it be important to her if they are close?

- Mommy can ride with us, right mama? -

Sofia is so excited it warms her heart and for a moment Callie believes she saw a light spark in Arizona's eyes as well.

- Yeah... I mean, of course... If she wants... I suppose... Of course she can. -

Arizona suddenly looks disappointed and Callie worries she may have offended her.

It only lasts a second, though, then she gives them both one of her beautiful smiles and says: - No, it's all right. You girls go have fun. I'll see you tomorrow, Sofia. And, Callie, we should probably meet up for coffee and discuss a few things, right? -

Dark brown eyes meet incredibly beautiful blue eyes and have a little conversation of their own. Once they both look away Callie could swear she saw Arizona's cheeks pink up a little under the thin layer of make up she's wearing.

- Yeah, definitely, I'll text you. -

They awkwardly smile at each other for another second and then, as she watches the blonde woman turn around and walk away, still limping just a little, Callie feels Sofia pull her shirt.

- Mommy is tired and she was really in pain before. Maybe she should have ridden with us. -

Callie runs her fingers through her soft black hair and says: - You are right, she should've. -

- ARIZONA - she yells. Her ex wife turns back around to look at her and she runs towards her holding Sofia's hand.

- What? -

- What about discussing those things over pizza tonight? -

She seems a little confused. She looks at Sofia, who's showing the biggest smile ever, and then she looks back at Callie and sighs.

- Pizza sounds good! -

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