the betrayal

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Sykkuno was having a bad day,  from getting killed a lot of rounds already, getting sussed out without any reason and eventually getting voted out.

his girlfriend wasn't really helping either— in fact she even stole bimbus from him or should I say bimbus betrayed him for his girlfriend's dog Mika and keeps on hanging out on her room, if not on her room it'll be their shared bedroom either way he don't like it, he gets lower attention to her.

Another round came up leaving him into the crewmate team again, he took a big breath then released it all out, he let his shoulders relax as he tried calming himself.

"we can do this guy's we just gotta focus, crewmate crewmatekuno's here! " he said to chat trying to lift the mood up a little bit

"okay okay we got this..." he whispered to himself as he got teleported to the spawn

"I-im a good among us p-player,  I'm g-good at this g-game... I'm gonna catch the imposter this round,  we don't die first and we catch the imposter" he said as he do keys, leaving the spawn he headed to the nearest vent

"okay we stand here, this worked last time hmmm— nope I don't trust ash she loves killing me first I'm out of here" as soon as he Stands on the vent ash came into his vision which led to him over thinking and which also led him to leave and head to the admin

"our brains are now working, we remembered ash loves killing us first,  in fact I'm gonna come where no one else come—" before even finishing his sentence the report screen came up

"Jesus I thought I died" he mumbled  as he observed the reported body by brooke, the meeting began with Rae, Brooke and ash laughing.

"oh no why" Rae said after a moment of laughing

"what's happening?" he asked full in confusion as he stared blankly at the tabs

"Okay so Rae, me and tubbo  went up to gas,  we went to to gas and then rae went up first to go fix the lights-" brooke explained

"yes" Rae who was listening  nodded in agreement as she heard her name and what she had done.

"me and tubbo was behind, I didn't see anyone so I backed up, but there was people around the storage" she finished as Sykkuno hummed in response

"I did see Sykkuno and ash on the right vent" Rae pointed out

"hmm that's right.. "

"where did you guys go after that? " she asked trying to get more detail outta him.

"I went up to lab! " ash answered

"yeah she went up to labs I may have hopped into a vent killed him and vented back out... He died on storage right? " he asked as he sussed himself out

"no, top right" Brooke and Rae said in union

"oh,  how am I gonna look suspicious if I guessed where the body is at" he mumbled

"well it was top right where you were so.. " Brooke said

"well even better then I didn't even go to storage, I could've killed him right in top of the vent and hopped back to the vent" he sussed himself out again which earned some true and some hums from the other

"yeah let's kill Sykkuno" lud said getting a little bit confused on how the leafy guy always wants to get himself voted out

"wait-what? " the leafy guy asked

"What you wanna sus yourself Sykkuno?" toast asked as the others laughed

"but look you guys know I'm innocent now right?" he asked thinking if his plan will actually work

"I'm voting Sykkuno out" Rae said bluntly as an 'I voted' sign went up to her character

"don't vote for Sykkuno round one guys" lud said as he tried protecting him

"W-w-wait guys I've died first every single game except for the one where I was imposter right? " he asked like a lost puppy still hoping they wouldn't actually vote for him

"-besides everyone know I'm innocent right? "

"everyone skipp" lud said only to reveal that five of them actually voted for him leaving him to die

"oh you guys actually killed me... Um that's okay that's okay" he  mumbled but whispered the last one

"what do you expect!?" Rae with her normal high voice shouted as Sykkuno got dumped in the lava

"umm.... "

"ash your next" Rae being herself said

"guys they killed us for no reason when they knew we were innocent...okay uh um I don't know if this is our night guys, they just kept on killing us first when they knew we were innocent" he said as he ran to do his tasks.

The round ended and he was calming himself down as he waited to be summoned on the waiting ship, once summoned the group started to say their sorry..

"oh no it's okay guys just..  Don't kill me first-"

"okay listen you pretended to be imposter and you get voted out!" Rae shouted, they knew she was trolling she wasn't angry but those words did still hurted him.

"I'm sorry" he kept on saying that while toast started to join Rae by trolling him and kept on blabbering things they thought would lift up the mood but sadly it did the other way around.

This round his crewmate again, looking around he didn't really have a task on the spawn so he walked away with lid trailing him.

"guys maybe the memes have gone too far now. " he said still hands on his mouth

"I was just trying to make everyone laugh.."

He stopped his character from walking then he closed his screen and muted his mic as a tear fell down his eyes, he knew his friends didn't really mean any of those so why is he crying?  Maybe it's because of the weather..  Yeah maybe that's it...

{change to Rae pov}

On the other room Rae got imposter so she could really see the live chat from her pov, running around a super chat came up.

@smnth0_0 : Sykkuno's crying hun

With that being read she got really disturbed and concerned , without any hesitation she bid her chat a quick bye and started to mute her mic, standing up she called me their dogs and baited them with a treat towards his set up.

"hey..." she said in her low voice as she peek with the two dogs behind her

"yeah? " he turned his chair locking eyes with her, Rae saw his eyes they were red and puffy probably from crying, she ran towards him and hug him from the chair.

"I-i I'm sorry I thought you wouldn't mind" she did through all of her sniffles

"it's okay... I just had a bad day.. " he answered as he caressed her hair and rubbed her back

Rae looked up to him and stared at him, nose touching, eyes locked, both have puffy eyes they were funny to look at but they didn't really care..

"I love you and I'm sorry" she said

"I love you too, it's okay" he said

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