We cant live in the past, but we can bring it back.

Start from the beginning

"So apprently she still lives in the same place, and shes back for Christmas.  I guess now all we have to do is go see her." Harry explained.  He'd been tracking down the girl all day today, and he'd finally found out where she was.  

"Yeah... I guess thats all thats left." I half smiled, twiddling my thumbs.  I still didnt like the idea of Harry seeing her.   And I didnt like that hed been ignoring me and his family all day, just so he could find her!

"Ashhhh, come on love.  You know all I want to do is apologize." Harry chuckled, scooping me up off the couch, and sitting down, me in his lap.  I wrapped my arms around his neck.  

"Your a great guy Harry Styles." I giggled, kissing his lips.  "Lets go!" I said, popping out of his lap and pulling him to the door.  Better to go ahead and get this thing over with.  

"So here we are." I whispered as Harry and I sat in the driveway of an unfamiliar house  We'de been sitting here for the past 15 minutes because Harry hadnt worked up the nerve to go in.  

"Harry, lets just go get it over with!  Theres no sense in dragging it out longer and making yourself feel worse about it all." I sighed, laying a reassuring hand ontop of his.  He flipped his large hand over and entwined his fingers with mine.  

"Your right, lets go." He smiled, climbing out of the car and walking around to get my door for me.  We silently walked to the front door, and I knocked on it immediatly, knowing it'd take Harry another 30 minutes to work up the courage.  We waited a few moments until locks began to click on the door.  Moments later, the giant wooden door swung open, revealing a very... VERY pretty girl.

Harry's P.O.V.

There she was.  Sitting right in front of me.  Her face looked more shocked than mine felt.  She hadnt changed a bit.  The same dark brown, long flowing hair.  Her eyes were just as sparkly blue as they had always been.  She didnt seem to have gained a pound still with holding her tall and slim figure.  

"Harry." She breathed, a smile twitching onto her lips.

"You must be Claudia?" I heard Ashlynn clear her throat from beside me.  The girl nodded.  

"And you are?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow at my girlfriend.  Before Ashlynn could respond, I cut in,

"This is Ashlynn.  Claudia, could we come in?" I asked, suddenly remembering just how cold it was.  I bet Ashlynn was shivering.  

"Sure ofcourse." Claudia nodded, motioning for us to enter.  As we walked into the warmth of the home, we made our way to a couch.  I looked around, and millions of memories flushed into my head.

"I'm alone for now.  The boys and mom went to the market, and dads out hunting with his brothers." Claudia explained, sitting down on a chair across from me and Ashlynn.  

"So harry... Long time no see.  How's the career going?" Claudia asked, forcing a smile onto her face.  

"Its good, real good.  I'm having fun touring and traveling." I nodded, trying to make my voice sound normal, but in all reality, Claudia was making me shitty nervous.  

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