St: Rebekah, Davina, Kol and Hope.

T: Of course they are my family. You've got Rebekah, blonde, my aunt, biological father's side, as well as Kol, both original vamps. Davina is his wife, she's a witch, immortal, brunette. And then there is Hope, twin, red head, and from my sources in New Orleans, she has not triggered her werewolf or vampire side, so she's only a witch. 

L: Well, we will stop them if they try to take you. We're a pack, we stand together.

They all agree.

I sense a powerful aura and turn around. 

T: Look, that's them.

No one's POV

The four Mikaelsons who chose to enroll in Beacon Hills high walked into school. They wondered if Nathalia could forgive them, if she would come home. Rebekah just wanted peace, unlike the rest she didn't want Talia to come unwillingly. Looking through Talia's memories, she realized that Talia had found love and family, two things that she was still unsure of. 


Talia's POV

I had chosen to skip today, going to Derek's loft and telling him what had happened. 

It was now the end of the school day, so me and Derek held hands as we vamp-sped back to my house.

I got home just as the pack arrived.

T: Hey guys

J: Hey Talia, hi Derek

D: Lets get inside.

The pack got inside to the living room, where mum, dad and Henrik were sitting.

F: I heard you skipped today Talia, what happened.

T: They're here. They've found us.

H: I don't want to see them ever again.

K: Me either, Klaus will kill me. 

F: I won't let that happen darling. They can't just walk into our home and take it from us.

Everyone agreed.

St: So what are they all.

T: You've got the siblings, Rebekah, Kol, Elijah, who are all Original Vampires, Freya, who is an Original Witch, Klaus, who is the Original Hybrid, Original Vampire and werewolf. Then you've got the lovers, Hayley, a hybrid, Davina, an immortal witch, and Keelin, a werewolf. Then there is also a tribrid, my twin, Hope. But she only has her witch side activated. 

St: That's not that bad.

T: But we have us, the pack kids, two humans, a werewolf, a hunter, a banshee, a tribrid and a hybrid. And then the pack parents, two Original Vampires, a vampire (Katherine), a druid (Deaton), a hunter (Chris) and two humans (Melissa and Noah).

L: I think they have a bit more than us, power wise. 

T: Well, I have some favors that are owed. The Scooby Doo Gang of Mystic Falls, and some Shadowhunters from New York, and some almighty hunters, the Winchesters. Maybe even the Cullens from Forks will be willing to help because we stood by them for Renesmee. 

A: Wow, a lot of people owe you.

T: Well, my parents are a few hundred years old, surely some people owe them debts. And I just have good connections. But we'll only call them if it becomes a battle.

H: Now that evens things out a bit.

A: I'm gonna go home, talk to my dad. He still has connections with hunters.

The Forgotten Mikaelson TW X TO CROSSOVERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ