-stilled | ☾

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Glorified with a white dress wrapping the soul,
danced with stars when the night welcomed a home.

With the vast, darkness around me,
 not even the stars could fill the void of emptiness I have felt ever since.

Was I to be pictured as a beauty when my skin was
  a theatre to the stories I wanted to hide,
 was I to be looked up to for the light they were seeking for.

Inside a maze was I trapped into,
an ear for those whispering their sorrows,
and I hence became their safe haven.

And I carried their stories on my skin wishing it would cover up my flaws.
With me walking around wearing my bruises,
I wonder if any soul out there would be an ear to bear my sadness.

There wasn't a moment where I wished for someone to see me and
 acknowledge me as who I was.

And that very minute, as life danced its way forward, my eyes met a bright luminance smile hiding away sorrows, sadness and a broken soul - at that very moment was when the moon, met the sun. 



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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