Invest Your Money. I'll Invest My Time.

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"We need $175 million, that's the problem!" Meredith shouts to the doctors during their board meeting.

Arizona, Callie, Cristina, Derek, and Mark are present in the room with Mer. They are currently looking for companies to pitch to. All their money is not enough to save the hospital.

"Stan, come in!" He's their financial advisor. They needed an expert to help them in this financial trouble.

"I've got great news! We can pitch to Crest Capital! I've secured a schedule at 4pm," Stan said cheerfully.

"Yeah? That's 30 minutes from now!" Callie replied.

"That's why we better be going. Dr. Shepherd, you'll lead this pitch, correct?"

"Yes, for the hospital," Derek said.

They all looked at each other and nodded their heads. "For the hospital." They agreed in unison.

They all drove to the location. After two meetings with different department heads, they are finally inside the CEO's office.

Derek poured his heart out to his speech. "I'm just not digging this," Julian Crest, the CEO, said. "I'm so sorry but none of you are business leaders, you are all amazing surgeons for sure, but in terms of running a company? How are we supposed to deal with that?"

He has a point. None of them knows the business and marketing industry. He needs someone with administrative leadership experience. Unfortunately, their plans didn't turn out well and they weren't able to secure Crest Capital's investment.

It was already 8:30PM. They badly need the money before the night ends or else, Pegasus will take over.

The doctors went to a nearby coffee shop to discuss their next steps.

"So this is it, huh?" Callie uttered.

"No, not yet. It's 8:30PM. It's late, I know. We need companies that are still very much awake and alive during this time," Derek answered.

"What about media companies? They're operational 24/7! They don't sleep like you guys!" Stan suggested.

"Uhm.. Let's see. Ah! There's CineGo, the top digital streaming company in the world. It's right across the hospital? Maybe we can try for a walk-in interview?" Arizona pitched in.

"With who? Martine Van Der Woodsen? Oh my goodness. That's nearly impossible and besides, all of us fangirls will just drool all over her! Nope, I don't think so!" Yang said as she panics.

"No, no, that's the point. We know all about her and the company, we love her shows and that's like an instant connection. Besides, she loves to help out charities and we're basically a charity right now!" Callie thought it was a brilliant idea.

"Then what the fuck are we waiting for? Let's grab our coffee and run!" Derek exclaimed.

"For the hospital!" Mark, who's just really there for the looks, grinned.

Dr. Arizona Robbins and Gal GadotOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant