"Can I kiss you?" Eren asks as you nod once again. Eren wastes no time hungrily pressing his lips against yours as your body rapidly grows feverish.

You moan softly into the kiss as Eren suddenly lifts you so that you're straddling him. You gasp softly as you wrap your arms around Eren's neck and press your lips against his again. You feel Eren walk deeper into the room before gently laying you down on his bed.

Eren's lips trail away from yours and down to your neck. Your hands dig into the bed as Eren bites, sucks, and kisses your neck. Your body craves him more and more with each touch.

"Eren..." You moan out as Eren's lips quickly move away from your body. He pants heavily as he looks down at you with lust-filled eyes.

"Please don't do that Y/N, I really won't be able to stop myself. We should stop, if we're gonna go there I want it to be special," Eren says as you nod and prop yourself up onto your elbows.

"Wow, such a gentleman. Wait a second! Am I the girl you said you liked?" You ask playfully as Eren laughs and nods.

"Yeah you are, how'd you know?" Eren asks returning your level of playfulness as you reach out and grab him by the waist. You pull him down onto the bed before quickly climbing on top of him. You're amused to see Eren's face redden at your actions.

"Y/N, I don't think it's a good idea for you to be on top of me like this," Eren says while stammering as you cross your arms and smile down at him.

"Hey Eren, I like you. A lot actually," you say as Eren's face manages to redden a bit more. How can he be so cute and so hot at the same time?

"Do you want to go out on a date then? A real one?" Eren asks as you nod and lean down to kiss him. However, you jump at the sound of footsteps approaching the door. Didn't he say he lived alone?

"Hey, Eren we let ourselves in. Have you started...OMG SORRY!" You hear a familiar voice say as you look towards the door and find Armin standing in the doorway. Your unsurprised that shortly after, Mikasa appears.

You don't get off Eren's lap immediately, pettily allowing Mikasa to watch as you climb off of his lap. Eren sits up and rubs the back of his neck as Mikasa and Armin see that he's also shirtless. Mikasa's dark eyes lock onto yours as you stare back.

"Come on Mikasa, let's wait downstairs," Armin says as Mikasa dejectedly follows after him. To your surprise, she looked more confused than pissed. Eren sighs and looks at you before gasping and reaching for your neck.

"Crap, I gave you hickies too! I got too carried away," Eren exclaims suddenly as you just laugh it off.

"It's fine Eren. I don't mind, I'm gonna head home though. I'll see you in class tomorrow," you say as you rise off the bed but feel Eren's firm hand reach out and grab your hand.

"Hey, do you want me to go talk to them first? I forgot I gave Armin a key to the place a while ago," Eren offers as you shake your head.

"No, I can handle it. If I'm going to be your girlfriend I'll have to get used to them being around more anyway right?" You ask as Eren nods and allows his lips to curve into a tiny smile.

"My girlfriend huh?"

"Your not there yet sir, it takes more than a good body and a steamy encounter to make me yours. You got away with more than I'd normally allow, be grateful," you say rolling your eyes as Eren chuckles.

"Alright Y/N I understand," Eren says while pulling you backwards making you sit down in his lap.

"The next time you're on my bed you'll be mine though, and I'll make sure my neighbours know it too," Eren whispers in your ear as you jump away from him and walk over to the door. This boy is dangerous.

"Boy stop it! I'm leaving," you say before leaving the room as Eren watches with a smirk. You make your way back down to the living room where Armin and Mikasa are sitting down chatting quietly.

Armin is the first one to address you as you walk over to your bag and books.

"Hey Y/N, sorry about barging in earlier

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"Hey Y/N, sorry about barging in earlier. We didn't mean to interrupt," Armin says awkwardly as you brush it off despite wanting to tease him after seeing the embarrassed look on his face. He's so cute and innocent.

"It's fine, we were just being playful. Nothing more," you say as Mikasa looks at your neck.

"What happened to your neck? Did Eren do that?" Mikasa asks in an interrogative tone. Judging by the expression on her face now, it seems to you like she doesn't even know what hickies are. You maintain a smile on your face as you nod.

"Yeah, he got a bit too carried away. It doesn't hurt though, don't worry," you say as you grab your things and make your way towards the front door. You hear someone walk behind you and turn around to find Armin.

"Hey Y/N, are you and Eren dating?" Armin asks you in a low whisper as you shrug.

"We're getting there. Why?" You ask as Armin looks back at Mikasa who's fiddling with the scarf that Eren gave her.

"I was just asking since you'd be the first. Eren's um...been with other girls before but he's never liked any of them enough to want to date. Or maybe Mikasa just chased them all away I don't know," Armin begins to ramble as you nod and place a hand on his shoulder as he stops mutter and looks back up at you.

"All I'm asking is that you be careful with him. He's more fragile than he likes to let on. I hope we can all get along though," Armin says with a bright smile as you nod.

"I hope so too, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye!" You exclaim loudly as you leave Eren's house and take a deep breath. You'd be Eren's first real girlfriend huh? The thought keeps swirling through your mind as well as the encounter you shared.

Make You Mine: An Eren Yeager FFWhere stories live. Discover now