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He had the best day, Mew made breakfast for him, Fluke was still sleeping at that time, feels like it is just the two of them. The happy melody was still playing in his head...

He reached at Mild's place..without noticing the unamused look on Mild's face... took his sit on the sofa, chugging some cold drink...

"You know he sucks at cooking", "I am better than him"

Mild sat beside Gulf, judging him intensely, Gulf was still bragging about his game, the breakfast... he is way too into Mew...

"Gulf"..."Do you like Mew"

"Hmmm", "yaa he is fun to be around"

"More than a friend??"

"Why would I, he has a boyfriend" he started taking things out from his back, trying to avoid the topic, his heart was hammering against his chest.

"Exactly, then why do you keep on pestering him??"

"Pestering??" the choice of words irks him..."I like to talk and hang out with him, there is nothing wrong in knowing him, I am just talking, that is that"

"Is Mew is that guy, you were spamming??"

Gulf gasped at that, is hands started to move fast, flushing things back in the bag, he needs to go, this conversation is making him uncomfortable, Mild held him back, "yes or no??"

Gulf was turtling, hands holding the bag tight, "I didn't mean any bad", "I just want to talk to him"

"Exactly what talk" Mild crosses his arms, can't understand his obsession over talks.

Gulf thew back on sofa feels like he is getting accused, for just talking, "Anything, anything, even if he talks about his pimples, his worries over the series, his messed up diet, or anything", "you can check my messages, it is nothing",

Handed his phone to Mild allowing him to go through the chats, and Mild did, they were nothing flirtish, occasionally flirting. The point was not what they were talking about but the amount of time they were talking, seems like they are glued all the time. Surprisingly, Mew was quite engaged with Gulf's conversations, putting thoughts, talking silly... he didn't expect that, he thought it was Gulf pestering in, but it seems they both are idiots...

"Why do call him by his first name", "isn't he old??"

"I don't like it"

"He is elder to me, you call me p but not him"

"It makes me giddy", "weird", "so I don't"

He handed the phone back, massaged his head, it is tough talk, "why do you need to know his food habit, sleeping time, school life, everything??"

"Isn't that normal, you want to know your friends"

"How much do you know about me", "tell me about my allergies, or my shoe size, forget shoe size, the color I like"

Gulf looked at Mild dumbfounded, he don't know, he don't know anything, and yaa why he needs to know that, he gulped the nerves, "I...I"

"You don't know right", "but you know, Mew is not a morning person, he hates onions, prefers pastel colors, but looks good in dark ones, so wear the dark ones", "don't you??",

"Why are you asking me all this??"

"To make you realize, you like him", "and unknowingly you are ruining someone else relationship"

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