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He sat beside his mother, she spread various nail polish in front of him, "Which one??"

"Mumm" he whined...

"I asked which one??"

He picked some random shade, putting it in her hand, she wiggled her fingers, he sighed took a seat beside her, opened the cap holding her hand.

"If it is bad, it is bad, don't blame me later"

She nods, judging his face, the every weekend visits over Mild place, kinda suspicious. She has her ways...

"Did you see Mild's girl"

"Not yet, she was busy"

"Hmmm, hmmm", "where did Mild take you??"

"Here and there nothing special" Gulf remained concentrated on her nails,

"Nothing special??"

"Ummm hmmmm"

"She is pretty" she stated...

Gulf's eyebrows knot "who??"

"Your colleague Prink, met her in the market few days back", "she admires you", "talks a lot about you"... "whatever, I won't complain, if my son's ship sails" here she goes, dropped the shell, now wore the imaginary detective glasses, looking minutely for change. But none. So she is not the one, Ummm, something else then.

Gulf chuckles, "there is no ship, so no need to sail anything" he looked up, "don't tell me you ask her some weird shit"

"I am your mother sweety, not a matchmaker" she was frustrated, if not her then what, Mild, she can't believe that kid had sealed his lips, couldn't spill out anything...

"Leave that aside", "You know what", "I met that guy again"

"Which one??"

"Mew and his boyfriend Fluke", "you remember, at the beach"

she was surprised to see the spark in her son's eyes, talking about this Mew guy, saving some waiter, or what else...

The nails were done, but Gulf continued to talk, now she know, what is going on.. He might be hiding it, but believe a mother, they might don't have a sixth sense, but if a seventh sense exists, it is blessed in mothers only...They can sniff these kinds of things...


The sun settles down, his heart is still singing that buzzing song, lyrics are not clear yet, but definitely some happy song...goes through the contact list again, should he message, can he message, of course, he can, friends can text and call each other, he always call and text phi Mild...

"Are you asleep"...nehhhh it looks too weird, and formal

"I have been home", feels like talking to mom,

"How was the meeting", nosy...

Damn, he rolled on the bed, erasing all of the above...

"Bus tire punctured"

"Took an extra half-hour",

"Superman should be there 😣"

Finally, satisfied with what he had written, press the sent bottom, one minute, two, three, five, a half-hour, he threw phone on the bed, what to expect, feeling grumpy all of sudden, had his dinner, have a basic conversation with the family...

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