Battle training

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Yuna yawned as she sat in English class, the energetic - and loud - Pro hero Present Mic stood at the front of the class. Mornings at U.A. turned out to be way normal than their first day was. And even though Yuna was bored out of her mind learning a language she already knew, she couldn't help but like the calmness at the moment. A stark difference from yesterday's Quirk endurance test.

"All right everybody hands up!! Show me some spirit!!"

Silence. Not only was it too early for most of the teenagers to be that hyper - they were all bored. Still, their English teacher continued, completely unbothered by the lack of response.

Lunch was full of much more awake teenagers. Yuna met up with Shinsou and the two sneaked up to the roof - a place that wasn't really allowed to be at, but it's always been their spot. They were missing a friend but knew she was back in her country with people she could talk to and trusted. the saying, time flies when you're having fun rang true as lunch came to an end. Yuna 'forcing' Hitoshi into a hug before they separated for their classes. Honestly, she was pretty excited about this next class.


Her name was called the second she walked into the classroom. She looked over at the rows of desks, eyes landing on the greenhead teen who looked to be vibrating in his seat from excitement. Yuna giggled under her breath, making her way to the empty seat next to Midoriya. She passed by a bored-looking Bakugou as she did so - neither teen giving the other any kind of attention.

"You're excited, is it because of All Might?" She questioned, taking her seat.

He nodded his head rapidly. "Can you believe he's teaching this class!? I mean, I'm excited too about finally attending Hero basic training but -" His eyes widened and a wide smile spread across his face. "He's here!"

Yuna giggled under her breath, turning her head to watch the number one Pro hero enter the classroom, announcing his arrival in his usual flamboyant way. He's such a fanboy...

"No time to dally. Today's activity is this!" All Might declared, holding out a pass with the word BATTLE written on it in large, bold letters. "Battle training!! And for that... you need these!"

It felt like one of those game show's her grandfather would watch on tv when she had to visit. There was a light click sound from the left of the room. Tall selves opened from the wall, revealing containers that had number's on them. All four selves were packed with them, and Yuna was sure there was the same amount as there were students in the class.

All might mentioned the special request forms they all had to fill out to be in the Hero Course and within an instance, they all knew what was happing. And they showed that as the class exclaimed in pure excitement about what was to be revealed.


With orders to get ready and then head out to ground beta when done, Yuna joined the females in the girl's locker room. There was a buzz of excitement in the room as the chatter of their costumes started. When she saw her costume, Yuna felt giddy. She couldn't believe she was holding it in her hands, let alone about to get dressed in it. She didn't expect it to be a bodysuit - like Uraraka - it took her by surprise. But after pulling it on, along with the small items that would help with her quirk - she loved it.

Being second to last, Yuna finally made it outside. All her classmates were dressed in their Hero Costumes, each one different and unique as their personalities was. Not long after Yuna did Midoriya run outside to meet with everyone. His suit's mask making Yuna cover her mouth to prevent laughter - He made it resemble All might's grin and hair.

"Shall we begin, my wards?!" All Might announced once all his students were out and ready.

"Sensei!" Ida called out, and Yuna looked over with the thought that he looked really cool. "This appears to be the same field used in the entrance exam. Will we once again be performing cityscape maneuvers?"

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