Kryvtors don't like sitting still for too long; they evolved to be constantly on the move, run through grassy plains and savannahs in search of prey and resources. Staying still for too long sent their anxiety levels to the peak, which manifested through tapping their talon claws, twitching the tips of their tails, and biting on their claws.

"Damn it, how can hyoomans just sit in a chair for two hours? TWO HOURS!" Masouri shouted, leaning against the wall in the corridor.

"Besides, what's the use of a bunch of numbers and equations?" Foxtrot added, stretching out his stiff muscles. "If boredom could kill you, I'd have dropped dead after ten minutes. And the hyoomans go through this five days a week?"

"It varies a bit depending on the classes we're supposed to take. If it makes you feel better, lizard-beasts, there's a class involving exhausting workouts after lunch..." Zim cringed in utter disgust. "If you make it past the nasty hyooman food, that is."

Masouri shifted uncomfortably. "Hey, Zim, is there a bathroom around here?"

Zim pointed to the bathroom doors. "See those green doors with hyooman shapes over there? Those are the hyoomans' bodily waste disposal areas. Beware of the germs!"

The high skool's cafeteria was not like the one on the Massive. It was far smaller, smellier, and overcrowded. The food, if it could be called that, consisted of tomato-sauce-based foods such as ketchup salad, washed potatoes in ketchup sauce, ketchup souffle, amongst other things. It might have been more-or-less passable if, at the very least, it looked remotely edible. Blue poked at his food warily, shivering as it kept moving for a few seconds after.

"I think it's alive."

Foxtrot poked at Blue's dish with a fork, causing it to squirm away from the fork. The kryvtor snickered and started poking at his own food to make it yell. "You know, Ilk, we could send this to your dad to give him a scare."


"What? He wouldn't stop saying that our food is gross, and look at this!"

Ilk wasn't that interested in the food. By this point, she noticed that the hyoomans in High Skool not only were going through the hormonal and sexual maturing process known as 'puberty' but additionally had split into different groups. She guessed it must be the phase where young hyoomans learned what would be their future place in society, but oddly it didn't seem to be based on height; most hyoomans had the same standard height.

Then there's the Dib and Gaz. The latter was sitting at their table next to Zim, and as always she was playing on her portable videogame console. Maybe she knew more about the social casting system.

"Why did you come to Earth?" Dib demanded, slamming his hands on the table.

"None of your business, Dib-stink!"

"Chill out, we're not going to conquer your planet if that's what worries you. How do you call your after-wedding vacation?" Ilk inquired.

"Honeymoon," Gaz said.

"Yeah, Blue and I are on our honeymoon."

Dib blinked. "You two got married?"

"Remember when I went to a 'videogame convention'? I actually attended their wedding with Zim." Gaz explained.

Dib spat his soda straight into Blue and Echo's faces. "You went to an alien planet without telling me?!"

"Of course, Dib-stink! Zim was invited to the exclusive wedding of my Tallest Red's daughter Ilk-smeet and the Blue-lizard as the Best Man! Gaz-demon was my date!" Ilk swore Dib's eye was twitching.

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