Chapter 19: WICKED ✔️

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"WICKED." He whispers.

I turn around at the sound of helicopters. Three helicopters are flying towards the camp. I glance back at Newt before running towards camp.

"WICKED!" I yell, grabbing my gun that's leaning against my chair. "WICKED's here!"

Everybody gets up as the helicopters get to the camp. Missiles are set off from the helicopters and are shot into camp, blowing up tents after tents. Tents are up in flames as the helicopters hover over the camp as WICKED guards propel down from them. I turn, running for the hospital tent. When I get there, it's up in flames.

"No." I whisper, tears wanting to escape. "No!!!"

"Dumb-ass!" I turn to see Brenda grabbing Thomas' arm and pulling him behind a box with Jorge...and Pip!

I run over and pull the young girl into a hug. "You need to get outta here!" 

"We all have to go, now!" Jorge says.

"But what about our friends?!" Thomas asks.

"Look! You can't help them!" Jorge says, pointing to a truck where Vince is trying to use a machine gun mounted on top as Newt, Fry, Minho, Harriet, Sonya, Jesse, and Kat are all around with guns, shooting at the WICKED guards. A guard throws something at them which electrocutes them all and they fall to the ground. "I'm sorry. We need to move, now, or we won't be much better off."

"You need to go, now." Thomas says, looking at us.

"What?" Brenda asks in disbelief. 

"They're not looking for you. You'll be safe if you leave now." Thomas explains. "I can't leave with out them."

"Good luck, kid." Jorge says after a second to Thomas before looking at Brenda and myself. "Come on, girls."

Jorge gets the three of us away from the camp. "We can't just let WICKED get them!" Brenda yells at Jorge.

"I know." Jorge says with a smirk. "We weren't going to let them get caught without a fight. Here." Jorge throws Brenda a sniper with full ammo before handing another to Pip. "Can you use this?" He asks. Pip shrugs. "Brenda, quickly teach her." Brenda nods. "Go up on that cliff and help out wherever needed." Brenda nods before running with Pip up the cliff. Jorge turns to me, handing me my own gun. "Go watch, tell me when we should drive over. Then, get in." 

I nod and go back towards camp, careful to stay out of view of the WICKED guards. They have everybody in rows, all on their knees. Janson looks around. "Where's Thomas?" I hear him call out.

"Right here." I look over as Thomas wALkS OUT TO HIM. What is he thinking?!

A guard grabs Thomas by the collar of his shirt and pushes him towards Janson. "Thomas." Janson says with a smirk. Janson puts his hand on Thomas' shoulder before punching him in the gut. "Get him in line!" Janson says something to a guard and another helicopter flies over me before landing.

The door opens and a few rows of guards come out, followed by Ava Paige. She walks out and has a conversation with Janson that I can't hear. She walks over to Thomas as guards start putting people into the helicopters. Thomas and Paige have a conversation when Teresa and Evan walk up to her.

"Oh, Teresa's always had an appreciation for the greater good. Once we restored her memories, it was only a matter of time." Janson says, just loud enough I can hear him. "And Evan." Janson puts an arm on the boy's shoulder. "Is my son." The group continue their conversation.

"Or blood." Mary stands up and looks at Paige.

"Hello, Mary."  Paige replies. "I hoped we'd meet again, I'm sorry it's under these circumstances." 

"I'm sorry for a lot of things too." Mary says. "But not this. At least my conscious is clean."

"So it mine." Paige replies, sadly.

A gunshot echos through the mountain. "Mary? Mary!? MARY?!" Vince runs to Mary as she slowly falls to the ground. I see Janson, his arm raised with a gun in hand.

Paige turns, saying something to Janson. I quietly and carefully stand up, about to go back to Jorge when Thomas punches a guard before pulling something out of his jacket. "Stay back! Stay back!" Thomas yells, turning to Janson. "Let them go! Let them all go!!!"

"You know I can't do that!" Janson says. "Just put it down!" 

No. Thomas, you idiot! Jorge's bomb!

"Let them all go!" Thomas repeats.

"Thomas, please stop!" Teresa pleads. "I made a deal with them! They promised you'd be safe! They promised!" 

Yeah, I hate promises. 

"I'm supposed to trust you know?!" Thomas asks, looking at Teresa.

"It's true!" Paige says. "It was her only condition."

"Shut up!" Thomas yells. 

Okay, I need to go. I carefully get back to Jorge.

"We need to go help, now!" I say, getting in the truck.

"Hold on." Jorge says, putting the key in the ignition.

"Yeah, well. I'm hanging out the sun roof so don't make it that bumpy." I say, standing up in the car.

"No promises." He says with a smile that makes me feel like I shouldn't fully trust this man. 

He starts the truck before driving full speed. I hear him start screaming as the truck literally jumps into the camp. I shoot some of the guards as Jorge continues driving, running into one of the helicopters that had landed.

I jump onto the roof of the truck as Jorge stops the truck. Guards run as helicopter shrapnel flies at them. From the roof of the truck I continue shooting the guards. I see Janson hit Thomas to the ground and hold him down, pulling a gun out of his coat. I shoot, hitting him in the shoulder. He stumbles back, off of Thomas and glances up at me.

I jump off the truck and run towards Thomas. I grab him by the collar of his shirt and pick him up. "Come on!" I yell, running back towards some cover.

I get behind a box for cover, Thomas behind me. "Spencer!" Newt yells, wrapping his arms around me. "Don't scare me like that!"

"Newt! We're in the middle of a fight right now!" I yell, bringing him back to the real world.

"Minho!" Thomas yells as Minho gets shot with the electricity and falls to the ground. I grab Thomas and try to pull him back as he tries running for his friend, but he gets out of my grip.

I get up, ready to run after him when Newt grabs me from behind, pulling me back. "Newt, he's gonna get kill-!"

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