Family Time

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To say that she hadn't missed the Massive would be a lie. Her bed here was far more comfortable than the sleeping bunks in the Academy. Besides, she had more privacy. Her roommate wasn't that bad, at least until he learned who her father was. One can imagine how things got after that.

She heard a gentle, purr-like growl to her right. Giggling, Ilk shifted to look at Blue. Her mate was curled up in the bed while she nestled in the middle. Why do Kryvtors sleep in this position, anyway? She didn't really mind it, though. It made her feel comfortable.

"Good morning." Ilk whispered into Blue's ear canal.

"Mm... Mother, it's still three years until Spring..." Blue mumbled in his sleep, trying to hide his head under the blankets. Ilk giggled again and tenderly scratched on a spot under the Kryvtor's lower jaw. Blue stirred awake, opening an orange eye to look at her.

"It still works, it seems." Ilk mused.

Blue stretched out his stiff limbs with a loud yawn. "Ilk, I thought we had talked about using my weak spot." he groaned.

"You wouldn't be awake otherwise." Ilk climbed out of bed to stretch out herself. "Come on, let's go before Uncle Pur eats all of the donuts."

"He can eat all of the snacks for all I care," the Kryvtor responded with another yawn. "They are far too sweet for my liking. Besides, too much sugar."

"There's also the crispy daatras bacon you like so much!"

Blue bristled his feather crest. Ahh, Oraidian daatras bacon! It's his favorite treat! He could recall all the times he'd beg his mother to buy it as a hatchling. Naturally, the promise of such a delicacy was enough to bring him out of bed.

"Alright, let's-" He didn't get to finish the sentence when the doors whisked open.

"Sweetie, I made you some-"


Red dropped the tray of bacon and turned away with a frightened yell. It wasn't because of Ilk; he had seen her undressed ever since she was a smeet, after all. What scared the hell out of him was seeing the lizard naked. He didn't need yet another image of that. He had enough with having seen Captain naked, thank you very much.

Blue merely stood there, staring at his father-in-law with an annoyed expression. With no external reproductive organs to hide, he felt no embarrassment whatsoever at being undressed. Rather, it was the lack of privacy that soured his day.

"Didn't you ever learn that you should knock the door before entering someone's private chambers, your Tallest?" he asked with crossed arms.

"When on Irk did you get here, lizard?!"

"He arrived yesterday, Dad. You didn't notice because you had already gone to sleep." Ilk explained,

"Couldn't you at least leave a note that said 'Dad, the scaly alien-meat I have for a husband is here' or something?" Red frowned at Blue. "And you, lizard! You are supposed to inform me that you're showing up here!"

Blue frowned. "With all due respect, your Tallest, I'm don't need your permission to see my wife."

"No, but you do need it to set a food onboard the Massive, lizard!"

Ilk smacked her forehead. "Really? Can't you two spend one day without arguing?" she scolded with a frown.

"He started it!" Both cried out simultaneously, pointing a finger at the other. Ilk sighed.

"Dad, would you mind going outside while I get dressed?"

"Sure, sweetie!"

Red hurried out of the room and towards the lounge, silently cursing Blue. Purple and Lena were already enjoying some fresh donuts on the kitchen table; Red smelled warm chocolate syrup scurrying out of one. Hopefully Purple left him one of those.

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