question 13

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me: another question from me! okay how does everyone think about this drawing I made also can you guess the characters 

me: another question from me! okay how does everyone think about this drawing I made also can you guess the characters 

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682: who is this???

096 and 106 just look at each other and look back at the photo 

106: Is this a photo of me and 096 when we were still human? I recognize my jacket...

 me: yup it is a drawing of you and Shy when you still were human!!!

106:... how the hell did you know we looked like that!?! 

096: yeah... also I kind of remember Larry saying that to me...

me: because

106: okay that doesn't explain a thing 

me: it's called magic

Dr. Grace: so you're saying you're magical...

me: yes 

Dr. Grace: so that makes you an SCP... 



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Dr. Grace: explain how your not an SCP...

Me: because if I was an SCP this would hurt you

I punch Dr. Grace in the face

Dr. Grace: OW!!! that's it your on time out! get on top of the fridge!

me climbing on to the fridge: THIS HOUSE IS A FRICKEN NIGHTMARE

art is by me 

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