question 10 and 12 dare 3 and 4

79 3 0

dare 3

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dare 3

106: YES!!!

173: oh Fu...

106 slaps 173 so hard that 173 cracks 

173: ow...

106: I think I broke my hand but it was worth it 

dare 4

096: okay

096 hugs 106

106: thank you Shy 

question 10

096: me and Larry are together 

106: yup

049: well me and 035 are together


682: me and 079... I was in a relationship with 860-2 but we broke up 

079: me and 682 are together 

999: Im too young for a relationship

Dr. Grace quietly: me and Bright are together 

Dr. Bright: why are you so quiet about it 

Dr. Grace: because my brother would find a way to kill you 

Dr. Bright: oh...

173: Im with no one... but I like Shy

096: no just no 

question 11

999: THANK YOU ^w^ 

question 12

049: well I like most of the SCP's but I don't like Bright too much because he is dating my daughter

Dr. Grace: if you were wondering who his daughter is it's me I was adopted after my parents were killed 

ask or dare the SCP'sOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant