I pull my mug out of the Keurig and onto the counter, grabbing the cinnamon to give three shakes into the drink. I've gotten a few looks before that I put cinnamon in my hot chocolate, but I refuse to stop because it is really good. Since I don't like coffee, I have to pick a different hot drink to give me that kick in the morning.

Right before I turn to make my way over to the couch, two strong arm wrap around my stomach and pull me into a warm firm chest. Either I wasn't quiet enough, or this boy behind me missed me even in his sleep.

"Good morning, princess," Kenny's deep morning voice fills my ears before he presses a kiss to the side of my neck. "What are you doing?"

I giggle, "I was making hot chocolate and thinking about what has happened since graduation. Then I was going to relax on the couch while going through social media, but it seems like you have other plans."

He grins against my neck, giving me a small squeeze, "We were only able to break in one room."

"I didn't think that the first night here would be that much fun," I grab my mug, lifting it to my lips to take a cautious sip. "After two long days, I didn't think you were that hot and bothered."

"Well, I felt like our new bed needed to be tested out. If it couldn't handle a simple night of love then we would have to get a new one."

I hum, "Hm, you want to experiment now that we have our own place, don't you?"

"That is the dream," he pinches my sides, pulling his head up to rest his chin on the top of my head. "Not until Tweek moves out, but I have some ideas that I want to try out with you. Somethings that I've done before but not with you, but I think you'll enjoy it."

"Once you win the state baseball tournament, then we can talk about that," I place my mug back on the counter, sliding it back towards the Keurig to keep it safe. Then I force myself to turn around in Kenny's hold and look up at him.

He has a loving smile on his face as he looks down at me. His hair is perfectly messy, and he has opted for a pair of boxers as his pajamas since we've moved in together. "All that will be done next week, and then we will be able to fall into an actual routine of living together. We'll be able to wake up and make breakfast together before going to the coffee shop, and on days we don't do that, we'll be streaming with the girls. When we don't feel like making meals, then we can get takeout from any of the places nearby that we love. All the movie nights, or video game days, or lazy days that we get to have. It feels good."

I smile, running a hand through his hair, "I am looking forward to all of that. We have to unpack all our stuff before any of that can actually happen, though. We should probably do some of that today. At least the living room. We can even divide and conquer. Oh, the girls will have to come over sometime next week to get the office ready. I can't believe we got five keys."

"One for both of us, then one for Karen and Ash, and another for Tweek right now, which leaves one key left to give out."

"I think it should be under the mat in front of the front door, as a just in case."

"That is probably a good idea," he presses a kiss to my forehead. Then his hands grip my waist, and he is lifting me up onto the counter. "Now this is a lot better," he grins. "This makes it a lot easier to get to your lips."

I giggle, placing my hands on his chest to keep him at a distance for a little bit. "Aren't you hungry? Don't you want some coffee?"

He lowly chuckles, "I'm hungry for you, actually."

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