Stu Hopps Pt.3

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AN- Alright alright alright.

     Nick Wilde and Stu Hopps still sat inside of the broken down car, a tundra town blizzard leaving them trapped. It was quite for the most part, other then Nick offering a granola from a pack sitting in the backseat. That was thirty minutes ago, and Nick decided to break the silence.

"Just what is it about me that you cant seem to like?" Nick asked the tan bunny beside him.

"Well, let's start with the most obvious, you are a criminal."

"WAS a criminal," Nick said back," Look, in the past, I was a bad fox, but I am a cop now. Doesn't that mean anything?"

"I don't like how close you are with my daughter."

"If it wasn't for your daughter, I would still be on the streets right now. Judy is my best friend. She is my family."

Stu shook his head," Fox, you are not her family."

"I am more family than you are," Nick argued.

"And just how in the hell do you figure that?" Tu snapped with a death glare.

"Because family is supposed to stand by every decision you make, and support you. Tell me, Stu, how did you support her when she wanted to be a cop? When did you stand by her while she was training? The one mammal she has begged you to try and get along with you wont even give the time of day to."

"I just don't want my daughter to get hurt," Stu said, but this time, it was soft and low.

"Stu, listen to me, I would never hurt Judy."

"Yes you will!" Stu yelled," I know you will because I have had 3 mammals look me right in the eye and say they wouldn't, but when it all comes down to it, they all do. You think Gideon Grey was her first fox encounter? You're wrong. But it isn't always foxes. Rabbits have hurt my daughter too, and there gets to a point where you stop trusting. I cant trust you, because history repeats itself, and I am not going to put her or myself through that again."

Nick's eyes were wide and Stu ranted. The fox just kind of looked away, slumping in the driver seat of the broke down car as the heavy snow continued to fall.


Carson knocked on Brandon's door. Tears still in his eyes when the fox answered.

"What's wrong?" Brandon asked, bringing the wolf in for a hug," Hey, what's wrong?"

"My parents aren't going to accept this," Carson cried," My dad wouldn't even look at me."

"What are you gonna do?" Brandon asked, worried for the worst.

"I love you, Brandon. If they won't accept that, then to hell with them. There was just a part of me that wished they would.''

"I love you too," Brandon replied," You wanna stay here for a while?"

"Yeah.....that would be good."


Judy sat on Nicks mother's couch almost as if this was an interrogation. The vixen pointing out her nose catching Nicks sent on the bunny was defiantly something that struck attention.

      "Um, well, Nick did hug me this morning before I left," the bunny explained nervously.

      "No, a hug wouldn't have last long enough Judy. How long have you and Nick been together?" Daisy asked, her face looking disappointed, not because Nick and Judy slept together, but because she thought they had a relationship and didn't tell her.

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