"I thought u were home alone?"

"I thought u were passed out."

"I can still hear everything when i'm unconscious, another great gift of being an original."

"Well i'll make sure to keep that in mind."

"Since ur home alone, can't u stay."

"I can't i need to go i—" Elizabeth spoke trying to turn around and open the door.

When suddenly Kol sped infront of her, holding her wrist gently to stop her from leaving.

"You don't wanna be here?"

Elizabeth froze in her spot, of being so close to Kol suddenly her breath hitched in her throat before she composed herself again.

"I do i just—"

"You don't feel comfortable?"

"Kol let me speak!"

Kol laughed at the girl infront of her, she tried to look intimidating but to him she just looked small, but also the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.


"I feel comfortable here, but if u didn't know apparently there are supernatural hunters that are trained to take down tribids out for me and my sister. I would like to know she's safe."

Kol brushed back a strand of her hair behind her ear, making her heart thud in her chest. Kol noticed and wished he could kiss her right there, right now. But he couldn't.

"Where is she?"

"At the Saltzmans."

"Alaric Saltzman having kids? Huh didn't expect that one."

"You know him?"

"That's a story for another time."

"All that matters is that Alaric is a human, that owns the house i presume, nothing supernatural can come in unless he says so."

"I guess you're right."

"Now darling, please rest. It's been a long day."

Elizabeth nodded and opened the door, making Kol confused.

"Where are u going?"

"The couch-?"

Kol let out a laugh, did she seriously think she needed to sleep there.

"Darling just sleep in my bed, i mean we're soulmates. At one point we will sleep in the same bed anyways."

Elizabeth her eyes widened, and she smacked him in the chest.

"You're crazy."

"Crazy about you."

Elizabeth scoffed, she looked at her dress realizing she couldn't really sleep in a tight dress.

DAGGER IN YOUR HEART - k.mikaelson ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ