Chapter 14: Saving The Captain

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They were on a flying ship, on their way to save Aurora. Shuri called the new crew members of their group to the hangar. "I trusted Frank and Cisco to pilot the jet. Because Matt is blind, Hela doesn't know how to, and Luna is.. a lunatic." She said jokingly at the last part. But the others just exchanged looks and Shuri sighed when no one laughed. "Anyways. I made you all suits. Just a black version of what your wearing but the material is smart fabric and vibranium. Though it's just something I had to make quick so be careful." She said as she showed the four mannequins modeling their suits.

Shuri walked up to Slade, "Mr. Deathstroke. I made you some vibranium twin swords, knowing what we are going to encounter are some nonhuman beings. I made them extra sharp." She explained. And Slade took them then proceeded to go to the changing room with the new suit.

"Mr. Dark Archer. This bow is also made from vibranium. What's also cool when you run out of arrows you can turn it into a sword! And here are the new arrows." Shuri smiled handing it to him. Malcolm took it and looked at her suspiciously, "What's with the suspicious smile?" He asked and Shuri shrugged, "I don't know what you're talking about Mr. Wizard." She walked next to Black Siren. Malcolm sighed, "Thank you and it's magician!" He said and went to the changing room.

"Ms. Black Siren this collar will help you decrease or increase your sonic scream." She handed it to her. Black Siren took it, "Thanks?" She said.

"It also has a trigger where you can make it warm. Since it's going to be cold out there. And don't want you to have a hard time with the temperature." Shuri said sweetly to her. Black Siren smiled a bit, "Thanks." She said. Then Shuri remembered, "Oh! It also has mints! On the side just press it and it has mints!"

"Wait why?"

"Girl, we are on a mission and possible hours of going back to base. Or probably somewhere. You can't be like. 'Oh wait let me brush my teeth! Oh! I still need to mouthwash!'." Shuri imitated and Black Siren rolled her eyes. "What I mean is, our comms are protected from your sonic screams. But not the scent." Shuri added with an innocent smile then moved to Oliver. Black Siren sighed and walked to the dressing room.

"Okay, Mr. Green Arrow." Shuri was like reading something at the bow. "Is it like Malcolm's?" Oliver asked curiously. "Oh hell no. That was an impromptu and fast work. I think this is for Robin Hood." Shuri read the engraved writings below the bow.

"What?" Oliver asked and Shuri laughed handing it to him. "It's actually a gift from Aurora. After a few days, when she came back to save your asses. She asked my help to make you a gift." Shuri explained. "She planned to give it to you when she gets back from our mission."

"She designed this?" Oliver asked looking at the black bow.

"Yes, and helped a bit. She also mentioned she didn't want you running out of arrows. So this arrow holder makes nano arrows. Like there are mini beads underneath this thing? And they form into arrows. And with her 'magic' she made the stuff unlimited." Shuri handed the arrow holder bag. Oliver chuckled softly looking at the bow. He read the engraved writing, "You are a hero Robin Hood. Don't forget that. -Captain A.T." He read

"Now go change Romeo so we can save your Juliet!" Shuri pushed him to the dressing room and she walked back to Frank. Oliver was still smiling about the bow.

SIBERIA, RUSSIA - At some mountain.

Shuri landed the ship somewhere safe. As soon as everyone was geared up, she handed them their ear comms. "The base is not far from here. Hela and Luna will help you guys climb up without being spotted. Once you get Aurora out, call us and Cisco will make a breach and get you guys out of there. And Frank don't forget to guide Matt." Shuri ordered. They all nodded except, "Why?" Frank asked. "I'm blind." Matt explained. "But you can fight." Frank replied. "Yes with senses but I can't SEE where we're going." Matt stated. Frank sighed and he let Matt follow the others.

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