Chapter 12: Where In The Worlds Is Aurora Marvelle? Part 2

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Oliver took Luna to the bunker. Where Felicity, Curtiss, Rene, Dinah, and Malcolm were. They looked at Luna weirdly but Curtiss find her fascinating because she looked familiar.

"Everyone, this Luna Lokisdottir. Aurora's cousin." Oliver introduced them to her. "That's Felicity, Dinah, Curtiss, Rene, and Malcolm." He introduced them to her.

"I'm guessing you can't take much of them because you'll need people to stay here." Luna sighed and Oliver nodded, "Don't worry I already had two other people who'll be joining." He said.

The elevator opened and Black Siren and Slade walked in. "Just in time." Oliver said as he prepared his bows. "What happened?" Black Siren asked. "Also who's this chick?" Slade asked.

"I'm Luna Lokison. And I'm Aurora's cousin. Is that everyone? Just so I won't introduce myself again?" Luna sighed and Felicity nodded. "Good okay. So Aurora needs help." She sighed

"Wait what happened?" Curtiss asked. "Also I didn't expect her to be in trouble."

Luna chuckled nervously, "Believe me. I couldn't believe either." She sighed. "It all started when we tracked this group called 'The Hand' in Budapest. HYDRA, a powerful Russian terrorist group whom the Avengers thought they shut down but not, has been supplying them a Super Soldier serum which now is something more than that.. something much worse." She sighed as she started to tell them.


Frank was on top of the buildings, watching from the sky. Matt from the dark alleys. Luna from the crowd, since she can shape-shift. Shuri was in their secret hideout and on cams. While Aurora was on a bike pretending to be a tourist.

"Punisher watching from above, check." Frank said to his comms

"Daredevil watching from the dark, check." Matt responded

"Luna being Luna, check." Luna smirked and then played with the people.

"Seriously?" Shuri and Aurora asked.

"Captain just biking around." Aurora responded.

"And Shuri on cams. According to our intel, the HYDRA's hidden laboratory is here. HYDRA will be shipping the supplies to the Hand. So keep an eye on anything suspicious." Shuri said through the comms.

"Got it." They all said.

"So I heard Aurora has a boyfriend." Shuri hummed.

Aurora chuckled while looking around, "No I don't. If you mean Oliver, he's just a friend." She blushed a bit.

Shuri made noises, "I saw THAT smile! I only mean BOYFRIEND your FRIEND that's a DUDE!" She laughed and Aurora rolled her eyes, "Whatever." She chuckled.

"Is it just me or there's a truck going towards an alley." Frank said looking through the snipers' scope.

"Daredevil." Aurora said through the comms. "On it Cap." He said running towards the alley. "On your left." Frank said.

"Luna, back door!" Aurora said as she gets off the bike and ran towards an alley. . "On my way." Luna running to the alley where they could possibly escape.

As Daredevil got there, the Hand was offloading the shipments. Daredevil got in time to take out the driver. Aurora who was now in a black suit, like black widow's, ran towards the people who were offloading the shipment. She kicked the crate and it fell. The Hand soldiers ran towards her, Aurora pulled her sword and started slashing them. Daredevil joined as he attacks them with his wooden sticks. They were surrounded then Frank started shooting from the sky using his sniper.

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