Chapter 5B: Henry's Haunted (Toad's POV)

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August 18th, 1984:

Toad was angry. He was upset at how little Duck had done to save Percy from whatever they were. He didn't have time to think about the problems that stopped these things from really happening.

Duck was trying to consolidate Toad, to help make him feel better, but Toad wouldn't listen. He spent the whole day ignoring Duck and just thinking for himself.

Eventually, Duck grew quiet. Toad felt better, and he tried to talk to him. Duck didn't reply.

"Mr. Duck, are you upset with me?" asked Toad, getting no reply once again.

When Henry passed by Duck later on, giving a friendly whistle, Duck didn't reply. This was very unusual for Toad.

"Guard, please uncouple me from Mr. Duck's train right now. It might be dangerous, but I don't feel safe around him." said Toad.

Eventually, the guard's whistle blew and Duck left, leaving Toad behind.

It was hours before an engine arrived at the station, and Toad was starting to drift off to sleep. He was startled by the sound of an engine in front of him, and he saw a shadow in the dark.

"Hello? Mr. Douglas? Mr. Murdoch?" asked Toad.

It was only Henry, having come back down the line after seeing Duck earlier.

"I'm sorry for taking so long Toad." said Henry. "I've been caught up with trains today. You're lucky the Flying Kipper wasn't tonight."

"It's alright Mr. Henry." replied Toad. "I'm just glad to be on the move again. Do you know where anyone else is?"

"I've only heard that James is at Tidmouth. He's supposedly asleep but Oliver and Donald are there. Considering what I heard with you and Donald a few days ago he wouldn't be there under normal circumstances."

And so Henry and Toad headed off to Brendam to find Edward and BoCo.

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