Dance of the Mop

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"Aw, but that's not fair! Why can;'t i stay here then? i'm fine on my own.."

Dad went into his parent mode. sad face. "Jack, that's hardly fair on Aaron. Your brother would want to see you. and King would be alright for a few days...."

i frowned. "It's all Trinity's fault. she's evil, Mum. She hates me, and sucks up to you. Why can't Aaron find a nicer girlfriend?"

Mum and Dad frowned. "You may not get on well with Trinity, but we think she's a lovely girl, and you have no right to say that about her or Aaron. You're coming with us, Jackie, and that's that. And King can stay with Luke and his parents. Now eat your breakfast, and go to school, or you'll be late." Dad said, finalising it. I flinched when he said Jackie. he would usually call me Jack, but when he was serious or upset with me he called me Jackie. it didn't seem like much, but it was like a blow to the face for me. when he went all commanding parentlike on me, it depressed me.

my French toast wasn't so delicious after that.

i finished breakfast silently, got ready for school, hopped in my car and drove to school without saying anything to my parents. not one of us said anything. i gripped the steering wheel, and sat in my car long after i'd parked in the parking lot.

i sighed. all these problems...Trinity, Caden, school, the party, the gang. i'd forgotten about yesterday, but i now clearly remembered the incident with Caden. i got out of my car just as the bell rang. i was almost late for Maths.

Tim was in my Maths class, but he sat at the front, while i sat at the back, and he coudln't turn and talk to me. i learnt nothing in Maths.

When it was time for Music, Tim caught me on my way there.

"Hey Jacks. i didn't see you this morning."

"Hey. Sorry bout that, i had some family troubles." i bit my lip. i hated awkwardness. "Um, about yesterday..."

"Don't worry about it. No one blames you. Caden went too far. but he doesn't care. expect to be annoyed by him," Tim smirked. he enjoyed my angry expression.

"Great. and i thought i'd taught him a lesson."

"at least we got our Jack back." He said, putting an arm around my shoudlers. "That's the main thing."

i nodded, wondering if i really was back.

Music passed as it always had, and i forgot all my problems as Luke and I laughed at Witch lady.

and then it was first lunch.

the gang sat at the table. i'd forgotten to get money for lunch in my anger this morning.

i rocked back on my chair, leaning against the wall at the same time. Matt, Luke and Caden were all still in line. Tim sat beside me talking with Johnny, whilst Ben sat across from me, explaining to Fred about some of his artwork. Fred was nodding occasionally as he ate a turkey sandwhich. mmm turkey, lucky boy....

Luke sat down beside me with some garlic bread and pizza. then Matt and Caden sat down.

i wathced, annoyed and hungry, as everyone ate.

"Why don't you have nay food, babe?" Caden asked.

"Because i forgot money, dipsh-"

"Do you want some money?" Matt asked, cutting me off.

"No, i can't take your money. you're already driving me to the Peterson's party."

"I thought i was doing that,"

"Change of plans," Johnny said quietly. Johnny? Quiet? Huh, that's a first....

Matt passed a ten dollar note to me. "There's sushi," he told me.

Tacos And ToastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz