2.) A Royal Welcome

Start from the beginning

Surprisingly, despite being the daughters of two of the most powerful kings in the world, you've never actually met until now. On some of your past excursions and diplomatic trips, you've seen pictures or paintings of her, but it was always in passing. You never had the chance (nor the desire) to regard them for very long or get to know more about her -- you were far too busy with more important matters than that. Besides, they did little in capturing her true beauty anyways -- standing before her now, you question why the universe has to curse the most gorgeous people into being part of the most heinous families.

Once she's out of the carriage and safely on the ground, she adjusts her hair and looks around, eventually locking eyes with you. She lightly smiles, though you get the feeling that she's just as averse to this arrangement as you are. Nevertheless, she patiently waits for her aunt to step out, and the pair make their way over to you.

"My Lady, this is Princess Y/N Seok, of the Seok Kingdom." Your introduction is performed for you, by one of your most trusted advisors. You bow to her as she simultaneously curtsies, both of you keeping your eyes on each other. Curiosity flashes in her dark eyes, appearing amber in the radiant sunlight that shines down upon you.

"It's lovely to meet you, Y/N," she smiles deeper now, the action more sincere as she watches your lips slowly tug up at the corners. She can tell you're trying to fight it, but nothing is capable of stopping the giddy feeling she gives you.

"Ditto, Princess." You reciprocate, taking the hand that she outstretches. You press a kiss to her knuckles before running the pad of your thumb across the spot, having no idea how many butterflies are taking flight in her stomach at the simple gesture.

Apparently the two of you were looking at each other too long, because a prompting from Taehee comes in the form of a pinch to your side, signaling for you to greet her aunt. "Welcome, Duchess Chun-hwa," you bow to her as well, and she smiles down at you after curtseying.

"Your palace is beautiful, Your Majesty," she sighs, her eyes lighting up as she takes in the sight of it. It is quite gorgeous, if you do say so yourself.

"Isn't it?" You smirk, moving to stand beside her and turn around to admire it, too. "My staff and I will show you around once we get inside, Duchess. We have many of the same amenities as you do back home, so hopefully your stay here is enjoyable."

"Ah, of course it will be! You've already proven yourself a fitting host and we've only known each other a couple minutes." You nod proudly at that, relieved to know that your plan is coming together nicely. Chun-hwa is buying it, playing right into your hands, and you couldn't be happier.

"Let's go inside now," Taehee speaks up, wanting to keep everyone safe, as always. The longer you're out here, the longer you're in direct danger of an attack.

"Right," you look at her, "good idea. Follow me, please." You tell the women, sneaking a glance at Roseanne. She was already looking at you, and her eyes subtly widen when she realizes she's been caught.


After knocking on the pristine door designed with your family's crest, you enter the throne room, where your father is already waiting. Upon your arrival, he places the report that he was previously reading down, and moves to meet you in the middle of the room.

"Ladies, this is my father, King Kwan." You introduce, taking a step back to allow them plenty of room to greet one another.

"Charmed, Your Graces. We hope to strengthen our relations during your time here." He humbly bows, lowering his head fully to show his sincerity. To you, that's a sign of submission; you never take your eyes off of anyone you bow to -- especially your rivals.

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