Hippogriff and Harpy

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A Hippogriff is a creature which has the front half of an eagle and the other half/hind of a horse. They're omnivores. They are preyed from dragons and wyverns. Hippogriffs are extremely territorial and would attack any intruders if they are in their territory. They mainly lived on temperate to tropical hills. Hippogriffs like temperate weather and hills. It's average length is said to be 9 feet long with a wingspan of 20 feet. It is also said that their average weight is 1,000 lbs.


Harpies are part of greek mythology. They have an appearance of a bird and half female. Harpies are originally spirits of the wind. People often believed that Harpies were the personification of  random violent gusts of winds. People occasionally thought that Harpies were the offsprings of Thaumas the ancient sea god + Electra the oceanid, as well as the daughters of Typhoeus.


- Eve's brain
- Eve's rewriting skills
- Phone
- Computer
- Keyboard
- Eve's eyes

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