~chapter twelve; pt. 1~

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*real life; george pov*

I looked at myself in the mirror as I examined the outfit I had chosen for tonight. I was wearing black jeans and a blue hoodie, nothing too fancy but it would work. Tonight I would be going on a date with Claire, the girl from the grocery store. We have been talking a lot recently and although I don't believe I'm fully over Dahlia I think it's time to move on.

Before the stream last night when we were all talking Dahlia was definitely acting weird but I figured she was just tired since it was so late. I shook off those feelings when I heard a knock on my front door echo throughout my apartment, I was confused at who could be here right now so I went to go check. I opened the door to see a familiar, obviously nervous, girl standing in front of me and out of instinct I engulfed her into a hug. "Dahlia what are you doing here?" I asked as I pulled back with my hands still on her shoulders, she looked up at me and took a deep breath. "George, I miss you and I miss us, we aren't like we used to be. I'm ready for this, I took my time and I'm ready for whatever comes my way as long as I have you with me. George, I love you".

My eyes widened at those three words, those words I had been longing to hear from her for so long but I didn't think those words would confuse things for me. I thought that when she said those words to me times would be different and I wouldn't be getting ready for a date with another girl. Shit what do I do about Claire, she's sitting at her house getting ready for me to come get her and here I am. "Dahlia, you- you don't mean that" I said to the girl standing in front of me, I let my arms leave her shoulders and go up to my hair. Why was this all happening now and why the fuck did it have to happen like this. "George, of course I meant it, don't you want me to mean it" I could hear her voice break as she spoke to me, this was all so overwhelming. Of course I want her to mean it but with the situation I'm in I think it'd be better if she didn't. "Dahlia of course I want you to mean it. I want that more than anything but you just can't you can't mean that" I said as I walked into my apartment leaving her by the door but she soon followed behind me. I could feel that she was confused but how was I supposed to explain that I lied to her and I didn't wait like I had promised.

"I grew impatient Dahlia, you had so much going on and I would never blame you for that ever but we stopped being us and I figured that stood as a sign that we weren't us anymore. I found someone Dahlia and I can't do this. I was finally getting over you and this is all just confusing things" I told the girl and watched as tears grew more evident in her beautiful eyes that looked into mine. "Y-you found someone" she asked and all I could do was nod my head, "you said you would wait for me George..."

Word count; 592

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