Chapter 26: News from Abroad

Start from the beginning

"What the!" Moiya exclaimed and looked down at herself. She saw her dark skin, but noticed her hands no longer looked or felt like her own. Instead, her gloved fingers were slightly longer, and the tips were more calloused from additional violalin practice. "What is going on?"

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way," Moiya heard Soraya say inside her head. "But you'll understand why in a few minutes, I promise."

True to her word, Soraya poured her memories into Moiya's mind and didn't leave out any details. Their body shivered together when they thought about Mülock, tears formed behind their blue and green eyes at Tishva's violent episode and Adonia's death, and their heart sank at Rhys' childhood memories. When Soraya showed Moiya her beach date with Rhys, they became filled with joy.

"Oh my gosh, you had the best date with Rhys ever!" Moiya squealed ecstatically. Soraya brought a finger to their lips, and Moiya lowered their voice. "Alright, I understand where you're coming from, and I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"Your anger is justified. I'm sorry too."

They couldn't hug as a fusion, so they held their hands together instead.

"How long are we going to be like this?" Moiya asked curiously.

Soraya shrugged their shoulders. "I don't even know, to be honest, but it doesn't seem to last too terribly long. I wish I knew how to control it better."

"We should set a timer," Moiya mused. "I'm curious to find out what your average length is."

Soraya grinned. "You and Rhys are both so practical."

Their face glowed. "Thanks, Soraya. I appreciate that."

Another thought popped into their head, one they cooked up at the same time. "We need to tell Ujuu about everything. He shouldn't be left out."

At that moment, a pit formed in the center of their stomach. Soraya fell away from Moiya and landed on the deck of the balcony with a soft thud.

"Alright!" Soraya laughed. "Now we can go to bed."

"We should work on pushing you to your limits," Moiya whispered, her green eyes glowing. "If you're part demon or angel, that means you're using a different magic system. The more you know, the better in control you'll be of yourself."

Her face hardened as she folded her arms over her chest. "We can't let Mülock control you. You're right to be afraid of him, he could use you to hurt everyone."

"Exactly," Soraya agreed. "And I need to find a new way to sneak out of the school undetected," She and Moiya both looked out over the fog together. "That holy place is the only sanctuary I have from him."

Moiya placed a hand firmly on her friend's shoulder. "We'll figure something out. Four heads working together is better than two. Now, let's rest."

* * *

"Geez, all three of you look so exhausted."

Moiya, Soraya and Rhys were slumped in their seats at their workstation. They all had drooping, dark bags under their eyes. Whenever one yawned, the other two followed suit.

"Sorry," Soraya struggled to speak. "Didn't sleep well."

"I can see that," Ujuu smirked. "My bro here kept wandering to the balcony throughout the night. He was quiet, but I still heard him slip out several times," he lightly shoved his twin's shoulder. "What are you three up to?"

Soraya glanced over at Moiya and Rhys before speaking. "We'll tell you, but we have to be somewhere private to say."

Rhys' eyes widened for a split second as he looked at both girls in surprise. Moiya gave him a tiny nod of her head, and he replied in the same manner.

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