chapter 4 war of attrition

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Okay so if you read the last chapter there should be a comment I made showing how many forces Jackson has left operable but in case you're too lazy to go back to that chapter I will try to sum up

I do believe there is around 400 or so ship girls in azur Lane

So that is what I'm sticking with of those 400 however many destroyers there are and submarines basically how many kids are besides Queen Elizabeth are not involved and are at the academy which was not destroyed or attacked

Of the remaining ones let's say about 350 because I do not know how many kids are in azur Lane

Of those 350 45 are confirmed deceased due to the mobile armor and vidar's attacks

Of the remaining 305 nearly 200 are crippled

Of the 105 remaining ship girls most have mental trauma and are there for unable to fight leaving about 74 in fighting or collecting capabilities

Jackson currently only has 24 combat ready ship girls left not including destroyers or submarines and a nearly destroyed base

And now on to the chapter

Things are not going well for azur lane as every time they have gone out to collect items they are ambushed by plumas or mobile armors and have to retreat leaving the supplies

Most of their ship girls are incapable of fighting at the current moment and most likely will never be able to fight again due to the mental trauma of watching their friends die right in front of them in such a brutal fashion

But there has been a positive to this less siren activity

At 19% operational azur base

Jackson: God damn that vidar he ruined everything just who the f*** does he think he is

Enterprise enters

Enterprise: Commander I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but we can't get any supplies due to those plumas they're ambushing us at every chance they get it seems that this radar knows our every move and is planning accordingly

Jackson: I know exactly what he's doing he's drawing us into a war of attrition

Enterprise: I'm not sure I follow what is a war of attrition

Jackson: a war of attrition is basically to see which side will last longer both sides will try to use tactics like cutting off supplies to the other to prevent them from gaining a foothold for being allied with the sirens this vidar sure knows his tactics he's preventing us from getting supplies meaning eventually he's going to starve this base into non-existence or at least weaken it to the point where he can finally destroy it if that happens

Enterprise: it's game over for us and whatever is left of humanity

???: I wouldn't be so certain about that

Jackson: who's there show yourself

???: As you wish

The figure shows himself and does not speak more which creeps out the two other people in the room not from his appearance from his now lack of talking and the eerie breathing that is emanating from his gas mask

The figure shows himself and does not speak more which creeps out the two other people in the room not from his appearance from his now lack of talking and the eerie breathing that is emanating from his gas mask

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