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Okay this is a book idea I've had ever since I saw iron devil will or book like that on here basically the plot is where mikazuki Augus and barbato's lupus Rex after dying in their world gets sent to other lane where he becomes a commander all goes well until the sirens attack with grazes then mikazuki must reactivate Barbatosand that's basically the guest of it up until this point or at least as far as I read so here's the trailer for the book idea

Sirin looked down at the ganden Barbados as it tore through HonKai like they were made of paper she then speaks aloud

Sirin: so captain you think you and that pathetic White machine can beat my army I invite you to try

She then looked over at the dragon beside her

Sirin: benares go deal with him

The dragon nodded and takes off

after a short time the Barbatos is hit by a high-speed projectile and looks up to see Benares looking down on him

Inside the cockpit mikazuki looks up at her and in a flash she is replaced by the mobile armor hashmal

Mikazuki: so oh this feels all too familiar right barbatos

The machine in response gives a slight flash of more data signifying it's sentience and it's agreement

with Banaras she looks down at the machine as it merely looks at her green eyes glowing

Benares (thinking: what are you going to do human I totally Valkyries like they're made of paper and yet your machine has shrugged off one of my deadliest attacks like it was nothing just who are you mikazuki Augus)

She then hears mikazuki's voice emanating from the machine

Mikazuki: I'll remove these bother some chains from you so show me... Your true power barbatos

she then watches and starts to grow afraid as the machine starts to shake violently before kneeling over when it looks up its eyes change the blood red and lightning starts coming off of them terrifying her

the Barbatos rushes forward and immediately uses its tail blade to cut her Wing off

She roars out in pain and she falls to the ground

Benares stared up at the demon wolf King as it flew off at insane speeds after cutting off her wing

Benares: be safe my queen I failed to stop it

Sirin stairs down and shock as the machine immediately nearly kills her friend and rushes at her

Sirin: you dare hurt my friend I'll make you die a thousand deaths

she then gets a flash of memory showing the day mikazuki first came aboard of the Hyperion at the captain everyone was so excited

it then flashes to her walking down and listening in as Kiana walks in on mikazuki talking to the Barbatos

Mikazuki: 3 years it's been since I used you by battles 3 years since I had to fight for my life 3 years since I left everyone behind but we won't let the honkite destroy this world as gjallarhorn did to ours but I wonder what would Orga do

he then turns around with a pistol and directly in between Kiana's eyes and she squeaks out in fear

Mikazuki: I know you're there come out

She then walks forward sheeply

Mikazuki: Kiana how did you find this room I made sure it didn't appear on the hyperion's map

Kiana: I heard you talking so I follow your voice here what is this machine I don't think the overseer has anything like this

Mikazuki: you are right about that barbatos is my partner and mine alone he's full technical name is asw-g-08 Gundam barbatos lupus Rex and I am his pilot

the memory scene and and she immediately touches out of the way as the barbatos' mace nearly crushes her

Sirin: I know you can hear me do you not care for your friends well-being after all you nearly just killed her

Mikazuki: you are my enemy and I kill my enemies so die

The camera then zooms out to show a lower angle behind god Kiana showing the Barbatos holding its mace and thrusting it forward as it's tail launches

The screen then cuts to Black and the title shows

The iron devil captain

I have been wanting to do an IBO and honkai impact crossover I just don't know how to

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