"Ok that's a big deal." Clohe's eyes wide with shock while y/n's head hung low with despair.

"We'll I'm sure Louis will forgive you. It's not like YOU initiated the kiss first."

"I know but still." y/n groaned.
"What do I do?"

"I really don't know. Worse case scenario, Louis will horribly break up with you, make a scene and the media will portray you as the bad guy, Louis will hate you and never speak with you again and you'll grow old with no one to love, become a hoarder and have tons of cats."

Y/n looked at the blonde with a straight face.

"What?" Clohe shrugged.
"Also not to freak you out but a special someone is coming over here right now."

Y/n looked up to see the very boy she'd been avoiding all day make his way over to the two girls.

Oh shoot-

Louis packed up his bags and made his way out the doors of the wide study hall.

"Hey there stranger." a voice called after Louis.

"Hey Eden." Louis smiled politely.

Louis would never admit it but Eden could be a bit... clingy, sometimes...

"So my friend is having another get-together tonight. Wanna be my plus one?!" Eden asked excitedly.

"You see Eden. You always call them 'get-togethers' but they always end up being crazy parties that end up with people passed out on the bathroom floor." Louis chuckled.

"Ah come on! I'm serious! This really is a small get together."

"I don't know. I still have a lot of homework."

"Trust me. It'll be ok."

Louis pondered carefully. One of his greatest weaknesses was to trust people too easily.

Louis gave in with a sigh.

"Yay! Pick me up at 7:00!" Eden squealed as she ran away; dodging multiple students.


Hey Louis!

Hey y/n! How are you?
I miss you.

I'm doing well. California is beautiful! I miss you too! How are you?

I'm doing alright. This homework
thing is no joke. I've got piles of pages to do.

Same! My dorm is littered with papers.

Have you made any new friends?

Other than Clohe, not really. Have you?

A couple people here and there but no one really major.

How's Will doing?

Oh. he's still sad about the breakup.

Ah poor guy. He didn't deserve
to be cheated on. I swear if I
was there right now I would break
that girls kneecaps.
What was her name again?

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