Chapter 2

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"Do you have everything?" Louis asked over the small crowds of young girls asking for an autograph from him.

Ever since the Enola Holmes release, Louis had become famous worldwide.
People noticing him right away.
Especially girls.

At times it troubled Y/n that young girls worldwide were simping over her boyfriend, in the back of her mind knowing he could leave her for one of them.

A girl much prettier than her...
*A/N: You are perfect for who you are! Don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise! You are beautiful qweens!*

"Yup! Still pretty nervous though." Y/n replied back.

Louis turned to Y/n and grabbed her hand, holding it firmly yet softly in his.

"I'm going to miss you so much."

At this, y/n couldn't hold back her tears any longer. She was now leaving for America; thousands of miles away for a year, not being able to see Louis. And they only just started dating.

Y/n leaned in to kiss Louis but was interrupted by shouts of cameramen and interviewers struggling to catch the attention of the famous teen boy.

Louis sighed and smirked— that gosh awful smirk that made butterflies flutter in Y/n's stomach— before turning to the crowd and being attacked with questions.

"Louis do you have any new projects you are currently working on?"

"Erm no not at the moment. But hopefully soon. Just mostly focused on school." he replied politely.

Y/n always admired how well Louis dealt with people constantly screaming at him, trying to catch his attention.

"Y/n! Rumor is that you are going to Stanford; far away from Louis. Are you worried he might cheat while you're gone?" an interviewer asked.

Y/n and Louis stopped and looked at the woman with unreadable expressions.
It felt like there was a lump in y/n's throat keeping her from speaking.

"No. I love Y/n very much and would never cheat on her. Now excuse us." Louis spoke up quickly whilst grabbing Y/n's luggage and taking her hand, leading her past the crowds that surrounded them at the departure gate.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. I didn't know they would ask you something like that." Louis apologized after a couple minutes of silence.

"It's ok Lou. I know you would never cheat. People just love to start unnecessary drama." she smiled at him.

"Flight 91119 from London, England to San Francisco, California boarding now."
A woman's voice said over the airport intercom.

"Well this is it." Louis sighed sadly.

"I'm going to miss you so much Louis." Y/n said while embracing him in a big hug.
"Take care of parents for me. Especially William."

"I will." he chuckled. "You are going to do great things at Stanford y/n. I love you so much."

Y/n placed her lips on Louis' and cupped her hands around his warm neck.

"Goodbye Louis." Y/n sighed after pulling away with such heartache; not wanting to leave her boyfriend.

"Goodbye Y/n." Louis replied softly, tears slightly trickling down his fair skin.

Y/n picked up her bags and gave the flight attendant her ticket then making her way down the terminal.

Words could not explain how Louis was feeling. He was overjoyed when he found out Y/n got accepted into one of the most prestigious universities in North America; but that didn't stop the sickening feeling in his stomach.
Sure there was FaceTime and texting but that wasn't the same.
Even before they started dating, he always thought they would go exploring the world together before college and being there for each other.

Now it to late. His one and only love leaving.
He was worried if she would be ok.
If she would be safe.

After the car accident Louis felt he had to protect Y/n. Worried something would happen to her— the memories of her in the hospital hanging onto life: a deep reminder of the one time he wasn't there for her and she almost died.

And as he watched his love walk away...


Y/n awoke to the shaking of the plane hitting the tarmac, finally arriving in San Francisco.

As Y/n rode in the Uber to the university campus, she was in awe of the great city lights that were around her.

The colorful lights illuminated the night sky as she looked to see people getting in trolleys and the hustle and bustle of the people walking around.

As if she were in a movie, she rolled down the window and stuck her head out. The cool July air hitting her warm skin.

As her lungs breathed in the crisp California air, she saw it.

The Golden Gate Bridge was even bigger than she expected.
Y/n had only arrived in California two hours ago and she already felt right at home.


As soon as y/n set down her bags in her new dorm room, her phone lit up.

"Y/n! How are you?! Have you arrived yet?" Millie's loud voice rang over the phone speaker.

"Omg hi Mills! Yes I just arrived at my dormitory; do you want to see?"

Y/n flipped the phone around for her friend to see which was followed by an excited squeal.

"Oh it's so pretty! And what a great view too!"

"It is. Gosh I'm so excited Millie. I'm finally at Stanford." Y/n said.

"I'm excited too! You definitely deserve this." Millie replied.
"Well I'll leave you be to get sorted and unpacked. I'm sure you have a very busy day tomorrow."

"Thank you! Yes tomorrow is a big day. I have my orientation around campus and lots of touring the city."

"Aw well have fun! I love and miss you so so much!" Millie said.

"I love you too girl! Bye!"

"Bye!" Millie said before hanging up.

Y/n jumped onto bed as thoughts flooded her mind. She was finally following her dream.

Y/n fell asleep that night happy yet nervous for what was to come, but still deeply missing Louis.

Though many had told them it wouldn't work, Louis and Y/n weren't like most couples. Surely they could work this long-distance relationship out.


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EEK! So much drama coming up😌.

Hope you guys liked this chapter.
I'm so so sorry for not updating a lot. I'm trying my best:)

The next couple if weeks are going to be quiet eventful so I won't be able to update as much.

Also, our king Mr. Dylan O'Brian will be making an appearance in the next chapter🤭.

Please vote and comment and I look forward to writing the next chapter!

Peace Amigos✌︎︎

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