Chapter 6

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"Come on, what am I missing?" Kara asked as she looked over the bulletin board she'd set up regarding this story regarding the fire.

"Maybe the fact that you were right." Mon-El said as he entered her office.

"I already know that I'm right, I'm trying to figure out how. I'm missing something." Kara said.

"And I have the missing piece." Mon-El said as he handed her a police report.

"What's this?" Kara asked.

"Like I said, it's the missing piece of the puzzle. More specifically, a police report from the fire." Mon-El said as Kara looked over the file.

"Okay yeah, I'd say that this is what I was missing. So, there was only one resident of the apartment complex who didn't survive the fire?" Kara asked.

"Yep, the chief claimed it was an open and shut case, but considering everything else that's in that report, I have a different theory." Mon-El said.

"Yep, I can see why. The corpse they found was burned beyond recognition, though the flames were not hot enough to create injuries that severe, nor was the fire burning long enough to create that sort of effect. Not to mention several cases of questionable police work in this." Kara said.

"So, you thinking what I'm thinking?" Mon-El asked his girlfriend.

"That this Richards guy set the fire and used it to fake his death?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, that." Mon-El confirmed as Kara smiled.

"Maybe, but honestly, even so, that doesn't feel quite right to me. Still falls into place a little too conveniently and it doesn't match anything this file says about him. I mean, he was pretty much a model citizen, never broke any laws, not even a speeding ticket. I don't know why he'd suddenly decide to become a pyro." Kara said as she noticed something very curious on the file.

"Looks like Mr. Richards was not born here in National City or even in the US." Kara said.

"Yeah, so?" Mon-El asked.

"What if he wasn't born on Earth either?" Kara asked.

"You think he's an alien?" Mon-El said.

"Yeah, I mean, maybe he hasn't committed any crimes on this planet, but he did on others and now someone is trying to keep him from escaping justice and set the fire to cover their tracks and potentially pin it on him." Kara said.

"That's a long stretch at best, Kara. It's not like Earth keeps a registry of every alien that's ever landed on it. Not yet anyways." Mon-El said.

"Is that future info?" Kara asked.

"No spoilers. But let's just say that the alien amnesty act that we both know Marsdin will pass soon is just the beginning." Mon-El said.

"Great, not sure how I feel about that. But anyways, when Fort Rozz crashed on Earth, the DEO managed to salvage information from it's data core, including the prisoner manifest. I'll call Alex, ask her to run this face through Fort Rozz's prisoner manifest. Also, I need to test a theory. Is there an Officer Carl Draper on the force?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, how do you know about him?" Mon-El asked.

"Because in the old reality I fought him." Kara said.

"Since when do you fight cops?" Mon-El asked.

"When it turns out that they're actually renegade Fort Rozz guards who rounded escaped convicts up and killed them, regardless of the crime and of what they were doing at the time. He's as bad as any of the criminals he was charged with keeping in prison." Kara said.

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