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The sun shined through the window, perfectly illuminating the side of Hermione Granger's face. Her curls were sprawled and her breath steadily fanned in and out.

Hermione stirred in her sleep as the soft chirping of birds became more noticeable. She felt a tap on her arm, then a rough shake.

"You don't want to be late for your first day of work do you?"

Ginny Weasley, Hermione's best friend since second year and roommate was standing over the brown-skinned girl. Hermione groaned and rubbed her eyes.

"Can't I get five more minutes, Gin?" she asked.

Ginny rolled her eyes and pulled the covers off of Hermione's curled up body.

"Nope. Lets go, I have quidditch practice." With that, she turned on her heel and walked away. Hermione sighed and sat up. She knew there was no going against her best friends orders.

Hermione blinked a couple times to regain her normal sight. She lifted her hands up and felt the outline of frizz sitting on her head.

"Why can't there be a day my hair isn't a mess," she muttered to herself. Her toes pressed against the hard wooded floors. Hermione stretched one good time and then headed to her bathroom.

A strange feeling lingered in the girls stomach. Nervousness. Today was her first day as the youngest worker at the Ministry of Magic. Her 20th birthday was creeping up soon. Working in the ministry was going to be a difficult task, Hermione was aware of that. She had always loved a good challenge.

Hermione stepped in the shower to wash off the tiredness that still clung to her body. She quickly washed up and hummed along to a tune. In no time, she turned off the water and stepped out.

The soft, pink towel wrapped around Hermiones fragile body. Small puddles of water coated the floor underneath her feet. She sighed and stepped in front of the mirror. She narrowed her eyes, examining her facial features.

She had looked different. Older. If you hadn't went to school with her, you would've never recognized her. Her face was slimmer, her hips were fuller, her eyes were darker.

Her eyes.

Those golden brown eyes that sparkled every time she skimmed a page of a book, now slightly dulled. Well, she did fight in a war after all. However, it had been almost three years. Hermione wondered why her mind still clouded with all of the losses she had faced, even though they had won.

Hermione shook her head, attempting to shake away her troubles. She quickly performed a drying spell on her hair so that her once frizzy curls were now in perfect coils.

As she got dressed, Hermione mentally ran through a to-do list.

First, coffee shop with Ginny, Harry, and Ron.

Next, stop at the library.

Finally, get to work.

Hermione nodded to herself and looked at herself in the mirror. Her chest was covered by a thin, white button up blouse. She wore tan khakis on her long legs. Hermione glanced at a pile of Ginny's makeup on the counter. She rolled her eyes and smiled to herself. She never wore makeup. She never seemed to need it.

"C'mon 'Mione!"

Ginny banged on the door. Hermione took one last look in the mirror before opening the bathroom door. Standing there was Ginny, her boyfriend Harry Potter, and Ron Weasley. They all smiled at her. Hermione couldn't help but notice the up-and-down look Ron had gave her.

"You look hot, Hermione. Can we go now?" Ginny begged. You could tell by the way she was clinging to Harry's arm that she was getting impatient.

"Yes, I'm ready now I swear," Hermione smiled. Ginny grinned and pulled on the brown girls sleeve. She practically dragged Hermione and the boys out to the living room, ready to apparate.

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